Source: Open Democracy
It’s not an individualist but a collective feminism that we need, one that measures success not by how high a woman can climb, but by the condition in which most women remain, says Shereen Essof.

Source: The Economic Times
Regardless of whether one is talking of the first world or the third, there is one constant when it comes to women: they remain under-represented in many important economic and political positions. The position has improved over the years, but it is still nowhere near parity with men. Does this matter? Does female leadership (or the lack thereof) have any implications for public policy outcomes?

Source: IPS
A growing list of U.N. Security Council Resolutions acknowledges the importance of gender in processes for peace. Resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and 1960 note that women continue to be marginalised in peace negotiations and their potential is not fully utilised in humanitarian planning, peacekeeping operations, peace building, governance and reconstruction.

Source: Reuters
A record 1,500 migrants, mainly from Somalia and other parts of Africa, died trying to reach European shores in 2011 and the deadly odyssey continues from Libya, the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Tuesday.

Source: Daily Nation
We have all seen how politicians behave in public rallies. They are voluble, intimidating and are prone to pick and spread propaganda like bush fire.

Source: IRIN
As the body count rises from the conflict between members of the separatist Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) and the Senegalese army, Casamancais are starting to lose hope that they will ever see a path to peace.

Source: IRIN
Hundreds of villagers and town residents of Liberia’s Grand Cape Mount Country have attracted nationwide attention in their bid to recover what they say is land seized from them and turned over to a Malaysian agro-industrial concern.

Source: UN WOMEN
UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet has joined a prestigious reference group for a new research project on the economic benefits of investing in women’s health.

Source: Mozambique News Agency (AIM)
The Catalan Development Cooperation Agency is to disburse 60,000 euros (about 78,000 US dollars) to finance activities contained in Mozambique's National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women, for the period 210-2014.

Source: Namibian 
THE Swapo Party Women's Council (SPWC) will throw its weight behind a female candidate, should a woman within the ruling party be nominated for any top-four position at the upcoming congress of the party.

Source: PlusNews
Four months after a study suggested women on hormonal contraception may be at an increased HIV risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reaffirmed the birth control method's safety, but strongly recommends that women on progesterone-only injections, like Depo-Provera, also use condoms to prevent HIV infection.

Source: Sowetan
Justice Minister Jeff Radebe signed a memorandum of understanding at the court, pledging that the justice system would support efforts to curb violence against women and children

Source: NewsRoomAmerica
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a traditional practice that ranges from nicking to total removal of the external female genitalia. An estimated 100 to 145 million women have undergone this procedure and at least 3 million girls are at risk of being cut each year, about 8,000 girls a day.

Source: SeattleTimes
The young man from Sudan holds his arms close to his sides, as if still at the mercy of smugglers who he says poured hot melted plastic over his back, whipped him with wires and beat him with sticks as he lay face down and naked. He pulls up his shirt to reveal scars that crisscross his arms, back and stomach.

Source: VibeGhana
Nkoranza South District Directorate of Education in collaboration with Ghana Health Service, has organised a forum to educate students and staff of Nkoranza Technical Institute on adolescent reproductive issues.

  Source: AllAfrica
Much has changed since Faye's early Senegalese films. The emergence of the Internet, social media and crowd-funding platforms such as Kickstarter now offer a new generation of African women documentary filmmakers the tools to realize their visions

Source: The Washington Post
Hundreds of women wearing miniskirts have marched through downtown Johannesburg to protest sexual harassment. A handful of men also donned miniskirts in support during Friday’s march organized by the women’s league of the African National Congress.

Source: Africa Legal Aid (AFLA)
While the African Union (AU) warmly welcomed the election of Gambian born Fatou Bensouda as Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in December 2011, it has not changed its negative stance against the ICC.

Source: UN Radio
Fashion brands Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent are discovering that empowering women through sustainability initiatives is good business.

Source: UN WOMEN
Following decades of civil strife and insurgency in northern Uganda, there has been much discussion on how to achieve lasting reconciliation. High on this agenda is reparations for its victims. Reparations can acknowledge the rights and dignity of those harmed by conflict by providing some justice, and the resources to rebuild lives and communities. Yet any such programmes and frameworks must respond to the particular needs of all its victims, including those considered especially vulnerable.

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