When attempting to generate change and improvement training is vital. For this end Make Every Woman Count has gather Gender Training Guides to be used by women's organisations, women's grassroots, women actvistts or by anyone who seeks to work with gender issues.
The focus of the material is with regards to women mainly to the African continent
This curriculum is prepared as a guide to FEMNETíS training of trainerís workshop. It is based on the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Gender Training workshop, which was organized for Anglophone countries of Uganda, Ghana and South Africa. A similar workshop is expected for the Francophone countries of Cameroon, Mali and Rwanda and Senegal.
Source: Akina Mama Wa Africa
Training goal:
The purpose of the African Women's Leadership Institute (AWLI) is to develop a strong cadre of women leaders at personal and collec)ve levels, to influence policy and decision‐making, through the applica)on of feminist1 principles.
Source: WILDAF
The last three or four decades has seen a significant rise in the nature and number of conflicts in Africa, along with the number of non-combattant civilian victims. Conflicts disrupt community and family life, leading to separation and or displacement of family members.
Source: Wave
The present training manual contains basic information and training material relating to the issue of violence against women in intimate relationships. It is designed for use in training and further training courses for professionals in various fields. The training programme has been drawn up as part of a project carried out by
the WAVE Office in Vienna and the EU Commission's DAPHNE Initiative.
Source: UNDP
This Handbook was produced by the Regional Gender Programme of the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS (UNDP RBEC). Gender mainstreaming makes a gender dimension explicit in all policy sectors. Gender equality is no longer viewed as a “separate question,” but becomes a concern for all policies and programmes. Furthermore, a gender mainstreaming approach does not look at women in isolation, but looks at women and men - both as actors in the development process, and as its beneficiaries.
Source: RHRC
This manual is one of several outcomes of a three-year global Gender-based Violence Initiative spearheaded by the Reproductive Health Response in Conflict (RHRC) Consortium and aimed at improving international and local capacity to address gender-based violence (GBV) in refugee, internally displaced, and post-conflict settings. The tools have been formulated according to a multi-sectoral model of GBV programming (described more thoroughly on page 35) that promotes action within and coordination between the constituent community, health and social services, and the legal and security sectors. The manual is meant to be used by humanitarian professionals who have experience with and are committed to GBV prevention and response.
Source: UN Women
This training manual was produced under a UNFPA/UNIFEM strategic partnership aimed at developing a coordinated approach for effective technical assistance to gender-responsive budgeting (GRB). It is intended to build capacity in the application of gender budget analysis. The manual seeks to build understanding of GRB as a tool for promoting gender equity, accountability to women's rights, and efficiency and transparency in budget policies and processes.
Source: GTZ
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH has right from the start been promoting gender responsive budgeting as a tool to monitor the implementation of PRS. Gender responsive budgeting was one of the topics discussed in connection with PRS processes during two workshops financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and organised by GTZ: the Gender Working Group at the conference entitled "Beyond the Review:
Source: FAO
The purpose of these guidelines is to support humanitarian agencies in mainstreaming a gender perspective in the planning and implementation of emergency programmes through a participatory approach. This involves assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels.