When attempting to generate change and improvement training is vital. For this end Make Every Woman Count has gather Gender Training Guides to be used by women's organisations, women's grassroots, women actvistts or by anyone who seeks to work with gender issues.
The focus of the material is with regards to women mainly to the African continent
Source:SAFAIDS More often than not, culture, gender-based violence (GBV) and women's rights are either seen as loosely connected to the spread of HIV or at worst, not connected at all.
Source:SAT This manual supports facilitators to plan, start, facilitate and evaluate participatory training workshops with NGOs and CBOs. The primary audience for this manual is facilitators who provide training to NGOs and CBOs in southern Africa.
Source:SAT This manual aims to build knowledge and practical skills among facilitators who train representatives of southern African ASOs, NGOs and CBOs that want to mainstream gender in their HIV and AIDS organisations, policies and programmes.
Source:IPS Gender training for the media is important. It helps journalists and editors to understand the attitudes, prejudices, biases and socialization which often come through in media messages; to recognize and analyze the imbalance of womenÂ's voices, as compared to menÂ's in the media ;
Source:GTZ The manual is structured like a modular system: The trainer can choose topics and exercises according to the target group and the length of the training. The manual consists of the following modules:
Source:GGCA The manual is modular: the trainer can choose topics and exercises according to the target group and the length of the training. The manual consists of the following modules:
Source:RHRC The curriculum in this Training Manual enables the trainer to conduct a two to three day training and planning workshop. The curriculum begins with training and discussion about the basic concepts and principles that will lead participants to a clear understanding of the meaning of the term "gender-based violence.
Source:Oxfam This manual is designed for the use of staff of non-governmental organisations(NGOs) who have some experience in running workshops or training courses, andfor experienced gender trainers.
Source:UNESCO The Manual can be used for the orientation of policy-makers, curriculum developers, media professionals, adult learners and even the public at large. It is organized into ten sections that build on one another to sharpen participants' understanding of gender-biased thinking within, and all around, them.
Source:UNHCR This Gender Training Kit and Resource Handbook is an all inclusive package consisting of three major components: (1) a Gender Handbook which contains essential background readings and UNHCR policies, generally consisting of UNHCR public documents (Part I), as well as related training session modules (Part II),