Source: ShalomLife
On Thursday March 2, an IsraAID delegation of Israeli experts will fly to Juba, South Sudan, with the support of a private family foundation and the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto and in cooperation with FIRST and the Israel-based NGO Operation Blessing Israel, to conduct the first ever Gender Based Violence (GBV) training program for social workers in the newest African nation.

Source: Tanzania Daily
 IF there is anything that is rather disturbing in Zanzibar, it is Gender Based Violence (GBV) which has turned into a routine bitter dose for women and children to swallow.An officer in charge of GBV cases at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital in Zanzibar, Fatma Ali Haji, is on record that her unit receives over three cases of GBV every day. Speaking at a one-day symposium on GBV organised by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA), she said the cases cut across rape, adolescent pregnancies and child abuse.

Source: The Herald
While March 8 is the International Women's Day - an annual day dedicated to women globally, Rwanda will dedicate the whole month of March to women and girls.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
ORAH Antony (not her real name) is a student at Mangi Sabbas Secondary School in Moshi rural district, Kilimanjaro region.

Source: The Herald
NINE out of 24 murder cases recorded countrywide this month are a result of domestic-related disputes, police said yesterday.

Source: The Monitor
A parliamentary committee is investigating security companies suspected of exporting Ugandans into domestic and sexual slavery abroad amid mounting concern over the country's complicity in human trafficking.

Source: The New Times
'Ten years ago, all I did was sit in the kitchen and wait for my husband to fend for our home," says Aziza Bazubagera. "I could not even buy clothes for myself and my kids. My husband was the sole bread winner, and that was it".

Source: The Herald
Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd, the country's largest media house, is set to introduce a gender policy in a bid to address gender disparities and improve its news content.

Source: The Monitor
A parliamentary committee is investigating security companies suspected of exporting Ugandans into domestic and sexual slavery abroad amid mounting concern over the country's complicity in human trafficking.

Source: UN News Centre
As the current session of the main United Nations human rights body began today, senior officials stressed that the Organization’s work in this area is as vital as ever, particularly at a time when men and women worldwide are rising up to demand basic freedoms and a life of dignity.

Source: Unite to End Violnce Aaginst Women
On 5 March an intrepid group of activists from across Africa will start the long climb of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, in the hope that they can reach its summit by International Women’s Day on 8 March. The group is as dynamic as it is diverse, consisting of 70 youth activists, sports personalities, human right lawyers, journalists, musicians, actors and doctors, among others; as well as staff from UN offices, NGOs, and governments across Africa.

Source: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
The 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the principal global policy-making body committed to gender equality and the advancement of women, meets 27 February- 9 March in New York and is this year dedicated to rural women’s empowerment. Given the centrality of rural women in FAO’s work to eradicate hunger and poverty, the organization will play a major role in this year’s discussions.

Source: UN Radio
Zambia is being praised for entrenching democracy and making good progress in increasing primary education enrolment, reducing maternal mortality and HIV-related deaths.

Source: Public Agenda
Civil Society groups, women rights activists as well as the Women Caucus in Parliament have expressed their reservations about the President's silence on women and children issues in his state of the nation's address to Parliament.

Source: UN News Centre
Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro today called for systematic and comprehensive strategies to empower women in rural areas to maximize their potential to combat extreme poverty and hunger, and help them facilitate sustainable development in their communities.

Source: Zambia Daily Mail
TWO Zambian women have taken the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) to a higher level: they will climb the 5,892 metre high Mount Kilimanjaro next week to raise awareness.

Source: GNA
Unite Africa Campaign, a Non-Government Organisation against gender-based violence, in collaboration with civil societies at the weekend organised a walk to raise national and global awareness on ending violence against women and girls.

Source: The Herald
A rapist yesterday stunned the court when he attempted to flee seconds after he was convicted of raping a deaf woman.

Source: Womens E-News
Women's rights groups are criticizing Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, for neglecting women's rights violations in an apparent rush to defend political Islam.

Source: Rwanda Focus 
Having many children was previously considered a blessing in many African cultures, but with the rising cost of food, education and health; most parents and policymakers today think otherwise.

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