Source: IPS
The United Nations' 56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) opened Monday in New York, with the empowerment of rural women high on a list of priorities for this year. According to a press release issued last week by UN Women, "Rural women constitute one-fourth of the world's population. (They) account for a great proportion of the agricultural labour force, produce the majority of food grown, especially in subsistence farming, and perform most of the unpaid care work in rural areas."

Commission on the Status of Women
Fifty-sixth Session
6th & 7th
Meetings (AM & PM)
The Commission on the Status of Women continued its sixty-fifth session this morning, returning to its general discussion on the priority theme — the empowerment of rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication, sustainable development and current challenges.  For more information, see Press Release WOM/1889 of 24 February.

Source: UN Women
Remarks of Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director UN Women Joint IPU/UN Women meeting,29 February 2012 New York.

Source: UN News Centre
A top United Nations official expressed support today for an initiative that would allow female soccer players to wear a headscarf, also known as a hijab, while on the field, stressing that every person should have the right to enjoy the world's most popular sport regardless of their gender, race or religious beliefs.

Source: The Swazi Observer
TWO local women took part in the New York Marathon which was held last year in support of breast cancer.
For Anne Borrell and Tracey Stewart, running has become more than just a way to keep fit and healthy. It aided in Anne's recovery from Breast Cancer, strengthened a long-standing friendship and allowed them to travel to New York last year for its world famous marathon in support of the Swaziland Breast Cancer Network (SBCN).

Source: PlusNews
Condoms are widely promoted as one of the most effective ways of preventing the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, but a recent study has found that incorrect use of condoms is common and affects their effectiveness.

Source: The Herald
In an effort to promote menstrual hygiene among women and young girls from poor resource settings, a local non-governmental organisation is imparting skills in rural communities to make their own sanitary pads.

Source: Leadership
Is it possible to sell Fura da nono, a milky drink and survive with it? Our correspondents, NANNA SENKUR and ROSE OWOTA ADAH tell the story on how Fulani women are taking care of their needs from the proceeds of the product.

Source: Leadership
State governor, Hajiya Fatima Shema, yesterday launched the sales of grains at subsidized prices to women in the state.

Source: Sudan News Agency
The Minister of Social Welfare and Security, Ustaza Amira Al-fadil, has presented Sudan address at the meetings of the committee on women status at the United Nations.

Source: the Star
Domestic violence against women has always existed in Kenya. The recent past has however seen an increased number of domestic violence cases, where men have become the victims.

Source: the Zimbabwean
"So is our fight for emancipation as women, it might be long and painful, but we will get there."

Source: UN Radio
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angelique Kidjo will perform in a special concert at the United Nations dedicated to the global efforts to end Female Genital Mutilation.

Source:  Sudan News Agency
The Minister of Social Welfare and Security, Ustaza Amira Al-fadil, has presented Sudan address at the meetings of the committee on women status at the United Nations.

Source: The New Times
While March 8 is the International Women's Day - an annual day dedicated to women globally, Rwanda will dedicate the whole month of March to women and girls.

Source: TrustLaw
"We Taliban warn you to stop working, otherwise we will take your life away," the letter to Fatima K., a woman in Afghanistan, read.

Source: IRIN
The global anti-poverty movement has added a new tool to its arsenal with the launch of an index that measures women’s empowerment in agriculture.

Source: UN News Centre
A senior United Nations official and the renowned singer-songwriter Angélique Kidjo today urged all UN Member States and communities to outlaw female genital mutilation (FGM) and raise awareness about its harmful effects, especially in African countries where the practice is most prevalent.

Source: The New Age
The African Women's Decade (2010-2020) is a bold political initiative that aims to put women at the centre of development on the continent. Launched in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2010, with roots traceable to the UN First World Conference on Women, held in Mexico City in 1975, this initiative aims to create conditions under which the participation of all African women in the continent's socio-economic development can be guaranteed.

Source: The Guardian
The women sat on plastic chairs arranged in a circle, some breast feeding, others with small children at their feet. This is their centre in Ganta, the dusty, vibrant commercial capital of Nimba county in north-east Liberia."Most of the women here were raped [during the war]," says Yarih Geebah, the speaker for Ganta Concerned Women. "But if you don't have money, nothing happens. [For] we, the poor people, we who don't know book … justice don't prevail."

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