Source: Nairobi Star
Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi and Mathira MP Ephraim Maina have defended Nyeri women over the reports of husband battery.

The MPs said if one home has a problem it should not be generalised to mean all women in the region have squabbles. They said the few cases are isolated and the media should not sensitise the matter.

Speaking at Dedan Kimathi Kamukunji Stadium, Murugi, who is the Nyeri Town MP, said there are very beautiful and hardworking ladies in the region.

Maina was speaking when he met AIPCA church women leaders from the Mukaro diocese at a Nyeri hotel. He said the women battering their men is mere propaganda aimed at Nyeri people.

"Similar cases happen in great Britain and even in the United States of America. It should not be branded as one strange event.

Women in the area are committed to bringing together families," said Maina. The two urged families to live in unity and harmony.

Cases of women battering their husbands have been reported in Nyeri with at least three men recuperating at different hospitals in the county.

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