Source: IDS
The theme for International Women's Day 2014 is 'inspiring change for greater awareness of women's equality' and what better way to inspire change than to start in the classroom? Over five years of research, the Pathways of Women's Empowerment's programme has uncovered a multitude of stories around the journeys of women's empowerment. This

Source: The Independent
I have been privileged to travel to some very interesting corners of the world – whether as a student backpacker or on government trips as the "WPM" (wife of the Prime Minister).

Source: The Independent
The fresh wave of violence in South Sudan is expected to put more than 3.7 million people at risk of severe food insecurity. The UN had predicted last year that 4.1 million would be food insecure in 2013. Last month, that figure rose to 7 million, with 3.7 of them in a crisis stage of food insecurity. A lack of food, outbreaks of disease, and continued

Source: The Daily Observer
The vice president of the Republic and Women's Affairs minister has stressed that "women and girls must be empowered as critical partners to our continental development".

Source: The New Dawn
The Minister of Labour ,Cllr. F. Juah Lawson, has said that no nation thrives well when its women are suppressed and kept outside the epicenter of national decision-making.

Source: World Food Programme
Every year, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) provides more than eleven million schoolgirls with food to help keep them in education and around three million vulnerable women with special nutritional support.

Source: Federal Republic of Nigeria
The Wife of Nigerian President, who is the President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission, Dame Patience Jonathan has in her message to mark this year's International Women's Day

Source: Tanzania Daily News
THE First Lady, Mama Salma Kikwete, hailed Vodacom Tanzania for making use of mobile phone technology to push for the economic and social development of women in the country.

Source: Voice Of America
Most people think of malaria, AIDS and childbirth as leading causes of death for women in sub-Saharan Africa. But there's another killer: Cervical cancer.

Source: AlertNet
Hopes that child marriage will soon be outlawed in Malawi, where one in two girls marry before the age of 18, are fading amid opposition from traditionalists supporting polygamy and looming elections.

Source: Arabic Network For Human Rights Information
On the occasion of International Women's Day (8th of March), the Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) published today its regional report "Violence against women in the context of political transformations and economic crisis in the Euro-Mediterranean region; trends and recommendations towards equality and justice".

Source:  Tanzania Daily News
AS the country marks the International Women's Day, the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children has called for gender parity in decision making at all levels.

Source: IDS
The theme for International Women's Day 2014 is 'inspiring change for greater awareness of women's equality' and what better way to inspire change than to start in the classroom?

Source:  AlertNet
At the age of 10, Chimwemwe started having sex with a 15-year-old boy because he gave her money to buy the food and clothes that her parents could not afford.

Source: Open Democracy
The advent and development of the internet have expanded the frontiers of feminist activism. Feminist Africa is itself a prime example of the audacious digital engagements of women's movements all over the world.

Source: IDS
A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to participate in a live Guardian Development panel discussion on sexuality and development issues. It was a fascinating experience, bringing a rich set of mainly Southern voices to bear on a wide-ranging set of topics.

Source: Pambazuka News
The Women's Leadership Centre, a feminist NGO based in Namibia led by seasoned lesbian feminist activists, has been working with young lesbian women from across our country over many years to pass on the flame of lesbian feminist activism and leadership to the next generation.

Source: New Times
Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for girls and women. Besides opening many doors of opportunities, the educational achievements of women can have ripple effects within the family and across generations. 

Source: OSISA
If you are remotely interested in women and the extractive industries in Africa then you should take a look at the newly-launched website of WoMin – African Women Unite Against Destructive Resource Extraction.

Source: The Star
The budget committee of the National Assembly has sought the opinion of the National Treasury on the creation of a Sh3.4 billion fund for women MPs.

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