Source: ONE
We know that across Africa, some women farmers like Anne, Maria and Liberata are making agriculture pay. But for millions of others, life is much harder.

Source: Workers World
In Africa women have been in the forefront of movements toward national liberation, social and environmental justice, and gender equality.

Source: Vanguard
Committed to supporting fiction and other forms of literary works, one of the fastest growing and most innovative telecommunications company in Nigeria, Etisalat, sponsored the 2014 edition of the Woman Rising Initiative held last weekend in Lagos.

Source: Media Global
New York — It is a commonly accepted truth that women are critical factors of Sustainable Development around the world, particularly in Africa.

Source: UN News Centre
The women of South Sudan played an instrumental role in the country's liberation struggle and will continue to make sure their voices ring loud and clear as the world's youngest nation seeks to restore peace and stability amid the recent conflict, women leaders stressed today at the United Nations in New York.

Source: Federal Ministry of Information
The Federal Ministry of Works has flagged-off a three-day training workshop on 'Public Procurement Process for Professional Women and Girls' under the "Growing Girls and Women in Nigeria (G-WIN) project of the Nigerian Government.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN were on Wednesday advised to regularly check on their health as this will lead to early detection of diseases such as cervical cancer, breast cancer and any other kind of disease as the old saying goes: "Prevention is better than cure."

Source: The Star
Boda boda riders and fishermen in Usigu division of Bondo subcounty are to blame for increased cases of pregnancies among schoolgirls and school dropout in the area, an official has said.

Source: Sabahi
Nairobi — Doctors at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi have successfully used Lopinavir, a drug used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), to treat 40 women with cervical cancer, a clinical trial released March 6th showed.

Source: Times Of Zambia
ZAMBIAN women entrepreneurs have been challenged to grow their businesses into multinational companies if economic growth is to be stimulated.

Source: Angola Press
The Angolan MP Carolina Elias said on Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland that Angola has already achieved an acceptable percentage of women in political positions, but the country must continue to create continue to create programmes to increase the number of these females class in decision making bodies.

Source: Young Feminist Wire
It is difficult to write about this year's CSW theme because the post-2015 agenda is a work in progress with many hands and heads involved. In the end, it seems like few of those hands are working to have an actual impact on people's lives, especially for young and disadvantaged women.

Source: IPP Media
Cases of gender based violence (GBV) in Tanzania are upsetting even with unyielding longer prison terms doled out on perpetrators.

Source: Ghana Web
United Nations Women, the main UN body dedicated to gender equality and empowerment of women has commended Ghana for being one of the robust countries on the African continent that has women playing very important roles in government.

Source: Diverse Education

Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist Leymah Gbowee, scholars and international social justice advocates discussed women's rights movements in Africa during a symposium this week at Barnard College in New York.

Source: Global Research
International Women's Day on March 8 is an annual commemoration extending back for over a century. In Africa women have been in the forefront of the movements toward national liberation, social and environmental justice as well as gender equality.

Source: New Times
A regional women's rights pressure group, Consultative Umbrella of Women's Associations in the Great Lakes Region (COCAFEM-GL), has called for more advocacy on women's rights.

Source: Women Under Seige
There were so very many stories. Stories of women physically torn apart, leaving stains of urine on chairs from fistula they suffered from violent rape.

Source: World Bank
Tackling the pervasive inequality faced by women farmers across Africa is critical if the continent is to reduce poverty, boost economic growth and feed its growing population, says a new report published today by the World Bank Group and The ONE Campaign.

Source: Al Jazeera
A prominent think-tank in Washington, DC recently hosted a conference on women's rights and democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. It was a worthy topic by all means.

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