Source: Africa Renewal
They are selected because they are—or could be—as good as agricultural scientists anywhere. They are groomed in leadership, and conduct research into problems facing their individual countries. They still face an enemy—the perception that African women agricultural scientists can’t lead in innovation.

Source: Awareness Times 
The people of Port Loko District have called on civil rights organisations and other relevant institutions to engage themselves in effective advocacy and lobbying for the protection and restoration of the dignity of women and the girl child.

Asmara — The members of the NUEW in Gejeret sub-zone, Asmara, stated that governmental care for Fistula victims attests to the national commitment towards promoting women's health.

Source: Addis Fortune
Enat Bank S.C. is planning to provide loans without collateral, in two months time, to women wishing to become entrepreneurs.

Source: FrontPageAfrica
"Violence against women, violence against our mothers and sisters has reached an unacceptable level and we all must join efforts to put this to an end," says Oniel Bestman, one of many men who participated in the One Billion Rising for Justice Campaign in Monrovia.

Source: New Era
Outapi — Father of the Namibian Nation Dr Sam Nujoma has called on Namibian men to refrain from the senseless killing of women. "Our women should walk freely 24 hours in an independent Namibia without fearing for their lives. You do not touch a woman. Tell your sons to stop killing our mothers," thundered Nujoma.

Source:  South Sudan News Agency
Following our communique on the current crisis dated 7th January 2014, the cessation of hostilities agreement signed on the 23rd of January 2014, and the resumption of the second phase of the IGAD led peace talks,

Source: OSISA
Violence against women and children in Namibia is reaching critical proportions. Of late there have been some particularly horrific incidences of what are unfortunately termed 'passion killings'.

Source: BDlive
A SMALL contraceptive device installed under the skin will be made available free of charge to all women from next week, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi told MPs on Wednesday.

Source: The Star
Six groups of widows in Laikipia County have received money from an NGO to start a dairy goat rearing project. Wazaire for Wajane Foundation, which empowers widows, gave the groups Sh600,000.

Source: MISA Swaziland
Girls in Swaziland are yearning for women in positions of power to share knowledge and offer assistance, according to a Swazi Observer article the stemmed from a MISA and COSPE training session on women's rights.

Source:  Leadership (Abuja)
No fewer than 3,583 widows in Katsina South Senatorial District of Katsina State, yesterday, received skills acquisition tools distributed by a philantropist, Umar Abdullahi Tata.

Source: The Observer
Opinion/Blog – We need to be worried. This month alone, at least three cases of murder of university girls have been reported in the different parts of the country.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
It was her not-so-good performance at Ordinary level that finally woke Dr Angela Bagenda to the need to take her education seriously against the odds. "The performance shocked me.

Source: Garowe Online
Women from the 17 districts of Mogadishu have staged anti-Al Shabaab protest in Mogadishu in support of lasting peace and tranquility across the war-ravaged nation on Sunday, Garowe Online reports.

Source: PRI
For women in the African nation of Malawi, giving birth brings a high risk of death. The predominantly rural country has long had one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world.

Source: South Africa Info
South Africa will make transdermal implant contraceptives freely available in the country's public clinics from next week, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi announced in Cape Town on Tuesday.

Source: Deutsch Welle
Three years ago Libya was hurtling headlong into the revolution that culminated in the death of Moammar Gadhafi. Although instrumental in the fall of the regime, women face mixed fates in the country of new men.

Source: Postcrecent
Tunisia's new constitution is the first one in the Arab world to guarantee equality between men and women - a milestone that might have been impossible without the efforts of people like Ahlem Belhadj, the country's most prominent feminist.

Source: IOL News
Tripoli - The Libyan government decided on Wednesday to recognise as "war victims" women who suffered sexual violence during the 2011 popular uprising that ousted and killed long-time dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

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