Source: All Africa
Rural women in Enugu state, who now live in fear and torment of Fulani herdsmen, are now asking their husbands and the government they elected into office, to protect them. The women whose main preoccupation is subsistence farming, can no longer venture into distant farms alone for fear of being raped and/or killed by Fulani herdsmen who have virtually taken over their farms.

Source: All Africa
DRESSED in tattered clothes and with nothing on her cracked feet, Faith (15) resembles a street tramp.

Source: All Africa
Fistula surgeon, Dr Suleiman Zakariya, says an increasing number of women are coming down with fistula - uncontrolled leaking of urine or faeces from the vagina - because of botched caesarean operations by incompetent surgeons.

Source: All Africa
Fountain of Hope Youth Organization (FOYO) will on October 31 host a conference at the Gaborone Technical College dubbed The Modern Woman Sexual Security.

Source: All Africa
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has expressed worry over assessed non-committal of the general public, especially the women, towards the myriads of programmes initiated to empower citizens and enhance the economic development of the nation.

Source: All Africa
"You have shown your courage by overcoming the gender stereotypes; you are a strong role model to women, encouraging them to pursue their ambitions, as well as to little girls, emboldening them to aspire to higher heights in their future career."

Source: Ventures Africa
During the 2015 "Pink Potential Initiative", organised by Techno Brain, which celebrates the achievements of African women in the IT sector, the head of mobile money transfer services at Airtel, Topyster Muga was crowned the 'IT Women of the Year' in Sub-Saharan Africa. Techno Brain is an ICT firm with presence in over 20 countries including the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

Source: Pulse
One of the speakers, Freddy Tchala, General Manager of MTN Côte d'Ivoire, highlighted the need to create a tech hub in francophone Africa, which he dubbed the "Abidjan Valley".

Source: All Africa
The United Nations Children's Fund has warned HIV positive Namibian mothers to desist from mixed feeding as it could be detrimental to the health of their infants.

Source: All Africa
African Union (AU) investigators have discovered mass graves in South Sudan and found evidence of killings, rape and forced cannibalism, according to a new report.

Source: The Cairo Post
The annual "Violence against Women" conference organized by the Cairo University's Faculty of Medicine will be held Nov. 01, Al-Shorouq reported Friday.

Source: All Africa
Poor maternal health systems in developing countries usually results in the growth of maternal death. Maternal death refers to the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy.

Source: All Africa
WOMEN continue to lose their lives while giving birth with latest statistics from the Ministry of Health and Child Care indicating that 251 have died so far this year.

Source: All Africa
The office of the Special Envoy on Gender (SEOG) and the Department for Agriculture and Agro-industry (OSAN) of the African Development Bank (AfDB) commissioned a report, "Economic Empowerment of African Women through Equitable Participation in Agricultural Value Chains". The study, which was launched in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in August 2015, identifies opportunities for women in four subsectors including cocoa, coffee, cotton and cassava sectors in Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, respectively.

Source: UN
On 31 October 2000, the United Nations Security Council adopted the historic resolution 1325, drawing attention to the differential impact of armed conflict on women, their exclusion from conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and the inextricable links between gender equality and international peace and security.

Source : All Africa
In the blistering hot conference room of the Masifunde Education and Development Project Trust, 14 women with determined calm put together a statement: 'The police have told us that we must not go ahead with our planned protest at the City Hall on Friday as they cannot guarantee our safety. We cannot and will not back down'. The Voices of the Foreigner's Wives represent a large number of women still too afraid to leave their homes after the spate of xenophobic violence that shook Grahamstown a week ago.

Source: All Africa
At the core of every prosperous nation lies a healthy, economically active and thriving citizenry.

Source: Pulse
Ms Muga was awarded for her contribution in creating the Airtel Money Visa card, a virtual debit platform mirroring the telco's mobile money account.

SOURCE: All Africa
At the core of every prosperous nation lies a healthy, economically active and thriving citizenry.

Proper nourishment - which extends beyond simply putting food on the table - empowers people to live and take on new opportunities. Yet Africa's women, who often shoulder the roles of producing, purchasing and preparing the food on tables across the continent, are often excluded from decision-making tables in governments and communities.

SOURCE: Star Africa
Women and youth often suffer from poverty in Africa and India, when they should be taking a more active role in the development of their nations, South African President Jacob Zuma said in New Delhi on Thursday.Addressing the two-day India-Africa Forum Summit in New Delhi, themed "Partners in Progress: Towards a Dynamic and Transformative Development Agenda," Zuma said one focus of the partnership between India and Africa will therefore be on the skilling of the marginalised youth and women in Africa.

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