Source: All Africa
Acting Country Director of an international non-governmental organization, Ipas Nigeria, Ms. Hauwa Shekarau has called for a review of the restrictive abortion laws in the country.

Source: All Africa
The Department of Small Business Development, in partnership with the Northern Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism will host the 2015 Technology for Women in Business (TWIB) and Ligugu Lami Awards ceremony in Kimberly, Northern Cape Province.

Source: Yahoo news
Better laws, concrete data and widespread education are needed to tackle the "disease" of statelessness that blights the lives of more than a million people across West Africa, the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Tuesday.

Source: All Africa
A number of Zimbabwean artistes have been nominated for the inaugural African Women Awards on a list that also features politicians, religious leaders, philanthropists and business people. The awards ceremony will take place this Saturday at Meikles Hotel, Harare.

Source: Malvern Gazette
FOUR students from Malvern St James are holding a fashion show on Friday in support of a charity which sponsors education for African girls.


WOMEN make up 14.4% of boards of blue-chip companies in Africa, data from the African Development Bank (AfDB) shows, the third-highest proportion of any region globally, after Europe and North America. 

Some companies - such as Kenyan mobile giant Safaricom, beer maker East African Breweries Ltd (EABL) and South African food manufacturer Sasko each have more than 30% women representation on their respective boards. All three companies were among Africa’s most admired brands, according to the recently-released Brand Africa 100 rankings.

SOURCE: All Africa
Although pregnancies of schoolgirls do not end the education of those affected in Zambia due to the re-entry policy, the situation introduces new circumstances that influence future decisions related to the girls' education.

And even with the re-entry policy which makes it possible for the girls to be allowed back in school, psychosocial and social challenges associated with pregnancy may perhaps reduce opportunities for affected girls to complete their education.

SOURCE:The Namibian
SO common are these benign (non-cancerous) swellings that one in every four females who is of reproductive age has them (fibroids)in their uterus.
The uterus (womb) is an exclusive female structure which provides sanctuary to the unborn baby for nine months. The unoccupied uterus is located in the lower abdomen and is comprised of 3 main layers, the innermost of which provides anchorage to the growing infant.

The government has released 1.4 bilion shillings to support provision of free maternity services in public health centres across the country.

SOURCE: All Africa
On a long, barren road in northeastern Nigeria, Hafsat Mohammed, squeezed into a public minibus, saw the gunmen materialise from the bush like a mirage.

The 33-year-old was on her way to Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State and the epicentre of the Boko Haram insurgency, when two Hilux pickups swerved onto the road ahead.

The minibus stopped. Men in combat fatigues and balaclavas emerged from the first pickup and aimed their guns at the windshield. They ordered the passengers out onto the hot tarmac. The second pickup sped off towards a nearby village.

Every time I hear about hunger and malnutrition, my thoughts drift to the millions of African women who toil on farms, but see their children remain hungry.

At such moments of reflection, I often wonder how vulnerable African women and children can be rescued from this vicious cycle of food insecurity and malnutrition.

SOURCE: Business Day Live

Fifteen-year-old Ousseina’s dream of becoming a nurse is already over.

"For me, school’s finished," said the frail teenager who sells eggs by a roadstop in the southern Niger town of Maradi.

She, like so many other girls in this deeply poor west African state bordering the Sahara, has no choice but to wed very early.

SOURCE: The East African
frican countries that want to continue benefiting from European Union funding for women's empowerment programmes will have to adopt a new framework released by the trade bloc.

The framework, approved recently by the European Commission and the European External Action Service aims to ensure that developing countries achieve tangible results towards gender equality, and will come into effect next year.

Women are underrepresented in clinical trials of HIV treatments, although the virus affects men and women almost equally.

A systematic review published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes found that women made up about 19 per cent of patients taking part in clinical studies of antiretroviral treatments, 38 per cent of those involved in vaccine trials and 11 per cent of those in HIV cure studies. The analysis was based on 544 published studies available in the PubMed database, totalling 144,033 patients.

SOURCE: The Journalist
I was woken from deep sleep by my middle child one night a few months ago. She was burning hot to the touch, whispered that she wasn't well, then she threw up – as did her younger sister who developed identical symptoms the next day. For the next 48 hours as the viral flu ran its course, I nursed them and held them close. That's normal, I'm their mother.

But for millions of mothers in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the three countries worst affected by last year's outbreak of Ebola disease, it was different. Children with Ebola can't be touched or nursed at home and as the virus raged, so did superstition, fear and a sense of helplessness, in the wake of limited healthcare infrastructure and poor understanding of the disease's action.

SOURCE: All Africa
The introduction of free deliveries at a hospital in Lesotho, the country with one of the highest maternal mortality rate in the world, drastically reduced maternal deaths during labour and delivery, making the intervention a cheap and highly effective public health measure, the international medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said on Tuesday.

The number of women giving birth in the Roma hospital increased by 45 per cent within a year after MSF offered to cover all their expenses. This shows that fees are a huge barrier in preventing women from seeking medical help for delivery in a country where up to 40 per cent of women give birth at home without the help of a skilled attendant.

Source: All Africa
Former lady of Namibia Penexupifo Pohamba has called on Namibians to regularly go for cancer screening.

Source: New Europe
October marks the 15th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, a milestone document which for the first time recognised the impact of war and conflict on women and children and highlighted the fact that historically those groups have been left out of peace processes and stabilisation efforts. However, it also highlights that women are not only victims, but also enablers in peace and security. In a key moment such as this two projects on implementing gender perspective within armed forces supported by NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) programme were presented on October 29.

Source: All Africa
"Midwives should be committed to provide quality service for pregnant mothers, create bright future for baby, mother and the family"

Source: All Africa
For about two decades Martha Akiteng, 56, a resident of Kalengo village, Ngora Sub County Ngora had battled a health complication that slowly drained her health and almost killed her before it was found to be cancer.

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