Source: the New Times
First Lady Jeannette Kagame said that Rwandan women play a critical role in the country's healing and reconstruction process.

Source: the New Times
Members of the Nyagatare Vision Cooperative and the area's Muslim women cooperative, Tuesday completed a week-long training workshop in entrepreneurship.

Source: IPS Africa
When the monthly contraceptive injection that Bernadette Asiimwe, a mother of four, got from government health centres in western Uganda was out of stock for weeks she fell pregnant with her fifth child.

Source: IRIN
Urban farming in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is providing a livelihood for thousands of city dwellers, with vegetables bringing in good money for small growers

Source: IRIN
Chadian families are facing worsening food insecurity, becoming more indebted, and selling off personal possessions as they try to cope with the loss of remittances from relatives who have returned home from Libya.

Source: IRIN
Poorly-regulated, privately-run training schools in Senegal are churning out midwives who do not have a solid grasp of birthing or ante- and post-natal care, causing women and babies to die needlessly, according to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

Source: Plus News
In theory, it should go something like this: pregnant woman tests HIV-positive as part of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services at her antenatal clinic

Source: Plus News
At Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital (PMMH) in Umlazi, the largest township outside the South African port city of Durban, using midwives to provide maternity services has positively impacted maternal care in the area

Source: Open Democracy
Is gender equality advocate's emphasis on women as agents of change helping to legitimize a neo-liberal vision of government, and working against women's engagement in promoting food security and peacebuilding

Source: Womens Enews
Rape continues to be the most frequently reported serious crime in Liberia. A new multipronged approach is underway to reduce sexual and gender-based violence.

Source: UN News Centre
A top-ranking United Nations official in Africa has called for a mobilization of the continent's youth for sustainable development,

Source: We Informers
Children living with HIV/Aids have petitioned the minister of health Dr. Christine Ondoa to give priority to prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child.

Source: Daily Trust
PDP presidential aspirant in the April elections, Mrs Sarah Jibril, yesterday urged President Goodluck Jonathan to appoint more women in his cabinet.

Source: Daily Trust 
Leader of the women stone crushers at Udo Udoma street in Uyo, Madam Ekaete Udom said crushing of stones by women is a business that has helped the women to fight poverty in their immediate families

Source: Nairobi Star
Every year, tens of thousands of women and girls in Africa suffer from Obstetric Fistula, a preventable childbirth injury that results in uncontrollable flow of urine and/or faeces.

Source: All Africa
As the battle over appointment of the Supreme Court judges starts details are emerging on why women missed out on the posts.

Source: All Africa
Of the millions of dollars spent on climate change projects in developing countries, little has been allocated in a way that will benefit women. Yet, in Africa, it is women who will be most affected by climate change.

Source: Afronline
Most of the world's poor — over 1 billion people — are women and children. And women make up a large portion of any nation's human resources, providing a rich potential supply of talented scientists and innovators.

Source: The Morung Express
Below is the list of the top 10 countries for women Global Gender Index 2010.

Source: All Africa

First lady Michelle Obama is stressing the importance of family and community in encouraging young women in Botswana to reach their goals.

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