Source: BBC
The New York hotel maid who accuses former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempting to rape her in a hotel suite has given her first interview.

Source: The Africa Report
Women are our best hope for the continent, says Zimbabwean writer Petina Gappah in her introduction to our list of the 50 women shaping Africa. Porgress has been slow, but many women are showing the art of the possible, inspiring a new generation to take control of their destiny

Source: Daily Independent
no other topic could have ignited so much passion and contributions from participants such as the one which the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Lagos Branch chose for its two-day international bar conference which was held last week at the Nigerian Institute for  International Affairs, Lagos.

Source: Sunday Times
An association bringing together midwives in the country was, yesterday, launched alongside the State of World's Midwifery report.

Source: ABC News 
Islamist rebels seized Somalia's newly-appointed women's minister as she took office, heightening security fears for aid groups planning deliveries to a famine-stricken nation.

Source: UN News Service
A United Nations investigation into mass rapes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) seven months ago identifies the rapists as Congolese army soldiers,

Source: UNHCHR
A UN report released today into mass rapes and other human rights violations committed in North Kivu has brought into stark focus the need to reinforce the justice system and accountability mechanisms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Source: UN News Centre
A United Nations investigation into mass rapes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) seven months ago identifies the rapists as Congolese army soldiers, demands their prosecution and asks the Government to protect the victims from reprisals from the perpetrators.

Source: ReliefWeb
Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women 991st & 992nd Meetings (AM & PM) Experts Warn of Staggering Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation, Sluggish Pace of Women’s Economic Development, Lenient Penalties for Trafficking.

Source: The Jerusalem Post
As Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf reshuffles his cabinet, trying to placate the boiling Egyptian street with a more representative government, women have started to speak up, demanding greater representation in politics.

Source: All Africa
While Zimbabwe joined the rest of the World in Commemorating 26 June International Day in Support of Victims of Torture not much is being done to support the most affected victims who are women.

Source: IRIN
While other children head home after school, some pupils in Uganda's northern Amuru and Gulu regions stay behind to make sanitary pads using cheap, locally available materials, to ensure girls do not miss school during menstruation.

Source: The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)
This written statement was submitted to CEDAW on the occasion of the General Discussion on Women in Conflict and Post-conflict Situations, July 18, 2011, United Nations, New York.

Source: AWID
No for Military Trials group, El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, Nazra for Feminist Studies, New Women Foundation and Hisham Mubarak Law Center filed a law suit before of the Administrative Court against the Commander in Chief of the Military Forces and the Minister of Defense and others appealing the decision of forcing women to examine their virginity in military prisons and detention places for Armed Forces.

Source: IPS
Even at the best of times, obtaining a title deed from the ministry of lands is a difficult process. But as the minister of lands admitted on Jul. 13 that his office is rife with corruption, the disorganisation of this office means Kenyan women are no closer to owning land.

Source: NYT
The paramedic’s eyes were bloodshot, his features drawn. Pregnant women jammed into the darkened concrete bunker, just as they had yesterday and would tomorrow. The increase in patients had been fivefold, or tenfold. The exhausted paramedic had lost count in a blur of uninterrupted examinations and deliveries.

Source:UN News Centre
Public voting is under way in a United Nations contest aimed at finding the best advertising campaign to promote awareness in Europe about the battle to defeat gender-based violence, which affects more than two out of every three women worldwide.

Source: Gender Links
While HIV prevalence rates are dropping in many parts of Africa they are on the rise within African communities in other parts of the world and experts think gender roles and harmful cultural practices are to blame.

Source: CAI
In 1994, the Government of Ghana decided to reduce the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) from the then 5.5 children per woman to 3.0 in 2020 (2) as part of an overall plan to reduce poverty and create sustainable development in Ghana.

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