Source: Mail&Guardian
After being raped by government troops, women in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo face the further pain and humiliation of being repudiated by their husbands.

Source: Daily Monitor
Women from minority and indigenous communities are targeted for rape and other forms of sexual violence, torture and killings, a new report has shown.

Source: Leadership

Thousands of trafficked Nigerian girls are trapped under dehumanising conditions as sex slaves in Mali. And for over one year that their condition was brought to the notice of the Federal Government,

Source: EGJustice
The government of Equatorial Guinea’s ratification of the African Union Protocol on the Rights of Women is a potentially important step toward gender equality in Equatorial Guinea,

Source: UNHCR
 Somalia has been plagued by decades of woes persistent conflict, waves of natural disasters and drought. While these crises make headlines, the country's embattled people a quarter of whom have been uprooted also face personal tragedies that are no less devastating.

Source: IPS
Violence against women is rampant, devastating and tolerated in South Sudan and the new country needs to address these gross human rights violations and train people, especially soldiers, to respect women's rights.

Source: IPS
Domestically abused women who are financially dependent on their abusers can now report the crime with the assurance that they will be able to get financial and medical support from the state, thanks to the country's new law on domestic violence.

Source: the Star
For Sh2,000 per girl, 50-year-old Nchoo Ngochila would move from one village to the next circumcising up to 20 girls in a day. Her tools of trade a rusty piece of metal cut out from mabati (iron sheet roofing) then bent and filed to a cutting edge.

Source: UNICEF
Uganda today announced that it has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT). The country is the 20th to do so since 2000.

Source: UNAMID
UNAMID Gender Advisory Unit, in collaboration with the Women's Union, launched on 11 July the Committee on UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 in Zalingei, West Darfur.

Source: the New Times
The National Women's Council (NWC) in Nyagatare District elected a new leadership committee.

Source: Angola Press
The life of thousands of babies can be saved annually if pregnant women do the syphilis test, since early treatment can prevent contamination of the foetus.

Source: IRIN
No one can tell 64-year-old Fatoumata Kané anything new about the plants and tree bark around her town of Banamba in western Mali, but the traditional healer recently learned how to measure a child's upper arm to detect malnutrition.

Source: Plus News
The Kenyan government is taking steps to incorporate screening for cervical cancer - one of the biggest killers of women of child-bearing age - into HIV care, but health workers say low awareness means the uptake of this vital service is low.

Source: the Star
Millions of people in Africa, especially women, have no access to adequate housing, no security of tenure and are at risk of being forcefully evicted. Mass evictions characterised by police brutality

Source: the Star
Councilor Lilian Osundwa was yesterday elected the first woman mayoress of Mumias Municipal Council. She succeeds nominated councillor Rashid Omwendo who has held the seat from July 2009.

Source: Cisa News Africa
Several churches from Kapchorwa and Bukwo districts have joined hands with the Inter African Committee Uganda (IACU), a Non Government Organisation(NGO) based in Kapchorwa and Reproductive,

Source: Leadership
The dynamics of modern development weigh heavily on empowerment of the womenfolk. Gone are the days when development is measured by income alone.

Source: TrustLaw
More countries have gender equality legislation on their books than ever before but many laws are inadequate and rarely if ever enforced, the first major report by the new U.N. women's agency showed on Wednesday.

Source: Farm Radio Weekly
A woman paddling a canoe no longer arouses curiosity in eastern Rwanda. While still not a common sight, you can readily spot women wearing orange life jackets and sitting alongside men, paddling canoes and fishing on Lake Rwakibare.

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