Source: All Africa
Various stakeholders in gender equality have called for more sensitisation on various issues concerning the subject.

Source: CAI
A belief in witchcraft permeates deep into the psyche and consciousness of many African people. This belief has become increasingly pervasive since the introduction of colonialism onto the continent.

Source: All Africa
The Women's International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA), Ghana in collaboration with the Ministries of Transport, Trade & Industry and Women and Children's Affairs, is organizing the 2nd African Women in Shipping Conference, from 15th - 17th June 2011 at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra.

Source:All Africa
Increasing the number of women representation in legislative bodies within the African Commonwealth region is on the agenda of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) as they meet in Kigali.

Source: All Africa
A lot has been said about President Museveni's new Cabinet choices. Some names have attracted criticism while others have been praised. In explaining his choices, the President made mention of a "cross-generation" Cabinet that was picked on the basis of unity, mobilisation ability and expertise.

Source: All Africa
Is it possible for a female to become president of our nation now or in the near future? In the whole of Africa, there is only one woman sitting president in the person of Madam Sirleaf Johnson of Liberia.

Source: All Africa
To make it easy for victims of domestic violence to receive appropriate medical treatment and support, the Ministries of Health and Women and Children Affairs are collaborating with other stakeholders to develop a new Police Medical Referral Form (PMRF).

Source: IRIN
In Mugunga, about 12km from Goma in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), communities of Bambuti have been eking out a living at the edge of the city.

Source: BBC
Afghanistan is the most dangerous country for women, an international poll of experts on gender issues says.

Source: Womens Enews
Female teens in the countryside of Ivory Coast often leave school to start families with older men. It's a financial strategy that many women here say they have lived to regret.

Source: Plus News
Local understanding of children's immune systems may be delaying access to paediatric HIV treatment, according to a study at a rural clinic in northern Malawi, where just 15 percent of children in need of antiretrovirals (ARVs) are receiving the drugs.

Source: Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW)
On 18 December 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

Source: Open Democracy
 History reveals an abundance of democratic paradoxes: cases in which progress on women's rights regressed in the aftermath of revolution. Coming to terms with the battle between secularism and Islam – a dispute long silenced by Ben Ali's rabidly secular policies – will require a redefinition of women's rights. Are the secularists or Islamists ready for that step?

Source: UN News
The job of spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General involves working long hours in a highly sensitive political environment, following the 24-hour news cycle and being frequently away from home.

Source: Canadian Lawyer
In a recent Al Jazeera report, doctors working in a hospital spoke of how they found Viagra and condoms in the pockets of dead Libyan army soldiers.

Source: UN News Centre
Despite the driest year in the Eastern Horn of Africa in more than 15 years, and the threat to the livelihoods of millions in the region, funding for relief efforts is barely over 50 per cent of announced needs, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said today.

Source: Pambazuka
According to Eco-Watch Africa, sexual harassment and violence against women and girls in the aftermath of natural disasters, like recent floods in Mozambique, is an enormous challenge.

Source: All Africa
Have you ever watched this advert currently airing on local TV channels? A visibly drunk and loud man is having a good time in a dingy bar, ordering rounds of beer for his friends and feasting on nyama choma.

Source: All Africa
The struggle has indeed been a long one. We have fought for more than ten years. We went to nearly every village in Mauritius using the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Gender and Development as a tool to tell men and women about the importance of having women in politics.

Source: Al Jazeera
Bill Gates, Britain and other nations commit funds to help treat preventable diseases among world's poorest children.

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