Source: Huffington Post
We can end HIV/AIDS right now if we want to. We already know how. We know how it's transmitted; we know how to prevent and treat it. We're just not doing what it takes to end it.

Source: IRIN
South Africa's HIV/AIDS programme has come a long way from the dark days of denialism and deadly treatment delays. Francois Venter, chairman of the country's bi-annual HIV conference, SA AIDS 2011, gave IRIN/PlusNews five reasons to be happy about the country’s progress:

Source: People's Daily Online
Participants attend a United Nations Security Council meeting on "Impact of HIV/AIDS epidemic on international peace and security" at UN headquarters in New York, the United States, June 7, 2011.

Source: UN WOMEN
As world leaders gather at UN Headquarters in New York this week to chart the future course of the global AIDS response, UN Women is advocating for a robust response for those infected and affected by HIV — particularly women and girls.

Source: UN News Centre
Thirty First Ladies from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean joined forces today at the United Nations to mobilize support to achieve the goal of zero new HIV infections among children by 2015.

Source: BBC
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor says there is evidence that Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi ordered the rape of hundreds of women as a weapon against rebel forces.

Source: Associated Pres (AP)
The worst kept secret at the United Nations is that Ban Ki-moon wants a second term as secretary-general and will almost certainly get it, possibly this month.

Source: IRIN
Five years after the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) revised its laws against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), these crimes continue to go unpunished because of judicial inaction and a legal culture at odds with the changes.

Source: UNFPA
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, will actively participate in this week’s global AIDS meeting by raising awareness of the heavy toll of HIV on women and young people, particularly young girls, and of the urgent need to address their special needs.

Five years after the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) revised its laws against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), these crimes continue to go unpunished because of judicial inaction and a legal culture at odds with the changes. The laws, ignored and misinterpreted, have left escalating numbers of sexual violence survivors unprotected, and perpetrators free to violate again.

Source: UN News Centre
The United Nations agency charged with gender equality and women’s empowerment today presented concrete areas of focus and goals for the three-day, high-level meeting on AIDS which begins at UN Headquarters tomorrow.

Source:UN News Center
The Security Council today underlined the continuing need for urgent and coordinated global action to curb the impact of HIV and AIDS in conflict and post-conflict situations, while recognizing the important role United Nations peacekeeping operations can play in responding to the epidemic.

Source: Sierra Express Media
The Gender Research and Documentation Centre and the Political Science Departments of the University of Sierra Leone in collaboration with the 50/50 Group of Sierra Leone will formally launch a research project o

Source:  Congolese Women's Group
One has to question why the International Community has pursued a military path to “protect” civilians in Libya especially, considering that there is a far greater humanitarian crisis unfolding in the heart of Africa.

Source: UN News Centre
The forced return from Qatar to Libya of a woman who had made complaints about gang rapes in Tripoli and was later recognized as a refugee violates international law, the United Nations refugee agency said today.

Source: UNFPA
Discussions on conflict and peacekeeping in Africa have often ignored the role of women. But this reality is gradually changing, as a growing body of activists, academics and policymakers bring women to the forefront of security agendas.

Source: Guardian
The long line of women, with babies strapped to their backs and young children by their sides, suddenly rush forward when the motorbike pulls up in the grounds of Garzon village school, about an hour and a half's drive from the Liberian capital of Monrovia.

Source: News24
Johannesburg - Gauteng Police Commissioner Lieutenant General Mzwandile Petros must ensure all unprocessed rape kits are collected from Johannesburg hospitals by week's end, the Democratic Alliance said on Monday.

Source: BBC
A Libyan woman who said she was raped by supporters of Col Muammar Gaddafi has left eastern Libya for the US, according to her sister.

Source: Make Every Woman Count    
 The UK WILPF  Voices of African Women started in November 2008 when grassroots African women campaigners from several African countries travelled to London to share their stories. The campaign has been on-going ever since and has inspired and empowered many women.

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