Source: UN News Centre

The United Nations agency tasked with trying to alleviate rural poverty today announced a $17.4 million loan and grant agreement aimed at helping some 132,000 poor people in southern Chad.

Source: All Africa
The United Nations family is committed to supporting Rwanda in the elimination of Mother-to- child Transmission of HIV/AIDS .

Source: The New Vision
SHE keenly listened each time her father, George Kadaga, a civil servant in the Ministry of Justice, narrated the proceedings of court cases. 

Source: IRIN
Violations of human rights are on the increase in northeastern Central African Republic (CAR), with aid workers expressing concern for protection of civilians amid renewed clashes between government troops and the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP) rebels - one of the few groups that has not signed a peace agreement with the government.

Source: FPIF
As Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the world’s most powerful financial institution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), spends a few nights in Rikers Island prison awaiting a hearing, the world is learning a lot about his history of treating women as expendable sex objects.

Source: UNESCO Media Services
Globally, some 39 million girls of lower secondary age are currently not enrolled in either primary or secondary education, while two thirds of the world’s 796 million illiterate adults are women. Only about one third of countries have achieved gender parity at secondary level.

Source: Al Jazeera
In the Pokot community in Kenya young girls are starting to fight against the brutal rite of female circumcision.
The World Health Organisation estimates that between 100 to 140 million girls and women live with the consequences of circumcision or female genital mutilation, a right of passage and a prerequisite to marriage in many societies.

Source: Women's Enews
Wearing white for peace, a Ugandan women's advocacy group has appealed to the United Nations amid a violent police crackdown on protesters. Ten have been killed, 100 injured and 600 arrested since April, a rights group says.

Source: Reuters

Just two women sat among 17 men on a podium in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi this month when rebels paraded new members of their National Transitional Council to the media.

Source: All Africa
Looking at how Kenya's inheritance laws leave women in the lurch, Salma Maoulidi says it's impossible for African women to celebrate Africa Day when they are 'not celebrated in the most intimate of spaces' - their families and communities.

Source: All Africa
At independence in 1980 Loyce Tshuma (55), a villager in rural Tsholotsho in Matebeleland North, was a loyal believer in politics as a powerful vehicle to change and better lives. Since then she never missed an opportunity to cast her vote.

Source:All Africa
Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana, has urged women in abusive relationships not to withdraw cases of abuse but to allow the law to take its course.

Source: All Africa
Less than half of pregnant women are seeking delivery services in hospitals greatly putting their lives and those of unborn babies in danger.

Source: All Africa
Very soon wives in Uganda will legally have the right to a share in their husband's property, that's if the country's new speaker of parliament has her way.

Source: Irin
Instead of joining militias or idling at street corners, the youth in Garowe, the regional capital of the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, are learning skills to help them earn a living, officials said.

Source: Plus News
Asha* is in a polygamous marriage, and while she would like to protect herself from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, the message from the preachers at her local mosque in the Burundian capital, Bujumbura, is that condoms promote adultery.

Source: UN News Center
Secretary-Ban Ki-moon today underlined the huge benefits societies reap from ensuring that girls and women have access to education, saying the opportunity to acquire knowledge creates a new generation of mothers who in turn raise educated and empowered young women.
"Education sends a message – a message of confidence and hope. It tells that child; you have a future; what you think matters," Mr. Ban said at the launch of the Global Partnership for Girls' and Women's Education at the Paris headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Source: UNESCO Media Services
A Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education will be launched at a high level forum to be held at UNESCO Headquarters on Thursday 26 May (13:30h Room I)

Source: UNFPA
A group of parliamentarians committed to population and development issues have called on governments meeting at the G8 summit in Deauville, France, to invest substantially in protecting girls, addressing the challenges posed by the world’s population dynamics, and fulfil existing financial pledges, particularly in the areas of health, population and human rights.

Source: UN News Center
Visiting health workers in Ethiopia today, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spotlighted the progress made in improving the health of women and children, while also stressing the need to do more to avoid needless deaths.

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