Source: The Chronicle
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings will have her picture on the ballot paper as the flagbearer of the newly-formed National Democratic Party (NDP).

Source: Egypt State Information Service via AllAfrica
The Constituent Assembly is tending to agree on the presence of two chambers of parliament with legislative powers and to appoint senior state officials after being named by the president, said head of the constitution-drafting body Hossam el-Gheriani.

Source: Capital FM
The Attorney General on Tuesday filed a 30-page petition at the Supreme Court seeking interpretation on attaining the one third gender rule and resolution of disputes in presidential elections.

Source: ANGOP
Angola's minister of Family and Woman Promotion, Filomena Delgado, on Monday here pointed out woman promotion, increase of family competences in the rural areas as the actions that will deserve a special attention on the part of the sector in the coming five years, Angop learnt.

Source: East African Business Week
Civil society organizations have challenged Government and corporate companies participating in the exploration of Oil in the Albertine Graben in the Bunyoro Region to bring women on board as a way of promoting transparency when it comes to the issue of compensating for peoples land where the Oil wells are.

Source: Heritage
The Government of Liberia via the Ministry of Gender and Development has said no considerable improvement has been made by the state in the welfare of girls in the country, despite the launch of a special operation to improve their (girls) lives.

Source: Radio Dabanga
Students from El-Fasher university, in North Darfur, began a peaceful sit-in protest on Monday October 8, a source informed Radio Dabanga.

Source: The New Times
For the past few years, Rwanda has been making global headlines for its outstanding role in providing the much-needed females in various peacekeeping missions in the world.

Source: RNW
Morocco has escorted the Dutch abortion boat out of its territorial waters. The Dutch activists had sailed to the port of Smir to raise awareness about abortion, a practice which is illegal in the North African country.

Source: Think Africa Press
Through self-help groups, HIV-positive women in Nairobi's Korogocho slums are rejecting the stigma associated with the disease and supporting themselves.

Source: All Africa
When Dr. Ruth Khasaya Oniang'o, a professor of food science and nutrition, shared advice from her mother at the September 2012 African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF), it really struck a chord. As a young African woman, I know the importance of a mother's advice - not just of my own, but of African mothers generally.

Source: Africa News
Malawi has to repeal some of laws, policies and practices that are infringing Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHRs) of citizens including some groups that are vulnerable to HIV and AIDS infections. Yes! If there is one of Malawi's successful stories in HIV and AIDS fight then is the reduction of the number of People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in the over 13 million plus population due to some strategies in the fight against the pandemic in place.

Source: Al Arabiya
Women victims of domestic violence in Morocco are taking refuge in the shrines of their saints in search for miracles to heal the scars of their psychological wounds.

Source: News24
Women's rights were human rights, President Jacob Zuma said in a speech prepared for delivery at the high-level event on women's access to justice on the margins of the 67th sitting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday.

Source: AhramOnline
A coalition of 33 women's rights organisations and initiatives are set to march from Merghani Street in Cairo suburb Heliopolis to the presidential palace, 6pm Thursday, to submit a document to President Mohamed Morsi outlining rights they want enshrined in the upcoming constitution.

Source: The Washington Post
Moroccan police Thursday escorted from its waters a small yacht carrying women’s rights activists claiming to be able to perform abortions on board, after anti-abortion protesters jeered them on land.

Source: UNPO
Women took a significant and positive role in the different stages of the national reconstruction process, including the initial reconciliation and peace-building, rehabilitation and the most current democratisation stage. Women are not only the majority of the population but are widely acknowledged to be the glue that binds the social and economic configuration of the country. Women have also assumed a critical role in the progress of the national democratisation process.

Source: UN news Centre
Tanzania has made significant advances in cutting maternal deaths thanks to a United Nations-sponsored programme that brings public and private sectors together to resolve one of the most stubborn but preventable woes afflicting the developing world, top officials said today.

Source: IRIN
Family planning advocates in Uganda have scored some major financial and policy wins this year, but experts remain concerned that inadequate political commitment and poor health services will continue to impede women’s and girls’ access to contraceptives.

Source:The News
Two regional groups, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) and the West African Producers and Traders Organization (ROPPA) have jointly launched a five-year agriculture project for Liberian women farmers. The project known as, "Women and Farmers against Poverty in West Africa," aims to boost the participation of women in the country's agriculture sector.

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