Source: The Observer
Eleven-year-old Juliet Akee wore a brave face as she watched the nurse fill the syringe with a vaccine.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
ONE in eight women in Tanzania develops breast cancer hence the need to take early preventive measures to save them.

Source: Times of Zambia
LOVE and hate can be two sides of the same coin. How is violence foolishly mistaken for love? Violence should never be tolerated.

Source: Sudan Vision
A meeting between Commission Chairperson, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and the African Union Partners Group (AUPG) today Friday 2 November 2012, in the AU headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, heard that although peace and security activities currently loom largest among the activities of the AU Commission (AUC), they have to go hand in hand with efforts at development.

Source: UN News Centre
The Security Council has called on the international community to give women’s civil society organizations a prominent role in the negotiation, planning and implementation of peace processes and post-conflict development programmes.

Source: IPS
The World Bank is urging African countries to strengthen regional food trade, suggesting that food security could be greatly enhanced simply by allowing farmers to trade more easily across the continent.

Source: AhramOnline
Movement formed to prevent lewd attacks on women over the holiday weekend reports several hundred violations. An Egyptian movement started to thwart sexual harassment during Eid Al-Adha has recorded 300 attempted attacks during the first two days of the holiday.

Source: Radio Netherdands Worldwide
Rwandan opposition leader Victoire Ingabire was jailed for eight years Tuesday after a court found her guilty of terror charges and denying the genocide.

Source: SciDev.Net
Women comprise less than a third of the computer science, engineering and physics fields in some of the world's key emerging economies, according to a report.

Source: Global Press Institute
Money and tribal affiliation have long dominated Kenya’s political scene. But a young woman with neither sees the adoption of a new constitution and need for change as her opportunity to win the presidential race.

Source: Africa Review
A young woman was stoned to death Thursday in Somalia after being convicted of engaging in out-of-marriage sex, reports say.

Source: IPS
In most developing countries, where a woman gives birth still determines whether she lives or dies, despite the availability of inexpensive new medication that is proven to save lives.

Source: IPS
During the uprising that toppled Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, pressing the revolution’s demands for freedom, justice and dignity. But those who hoped the revolution would make them equal partners in Egypt’s future claim they may be worse off now than under Mubarak’s authoritarian rule.

Source: IPS
The international financial crash of the late 2000s created more than a global economic recession: it accentuated popular doubts about the paradigms on which our economies are built and prompted a closer look at two crucial drivers of economic growth: women and entrepreneurship.

Source: BBC
Unknown gunmen have tried to kill a Congolese doctor widely praised for his work helping rape victims, he has told the BBC.

Source: BooksLive

In the growing dusk of an evening in February 1990, Nelson Mandela walked out on the balcony of Cape Town City Hall. Fumbling with the microphone and reading glasses borrowed from his wife, he spoke, exhaustedly but powerfully, to the 50 000 or so people who had filled the Grand Parade below him.

Source: Daily Maverick
The doors in the old Women's Gaol in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, are still heavy in olive green. A sign points to the solitary confinement cells. The floors in the foyer where events are now held are concrete and pillars circle the room where prisoners must have been shifted from one cell to the next. It's the perfect balance of state grandeur and oppression. The gaol now serves as a monument to our brutal history and a society imprisoned by state violence, past and present.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
The Deputy Minister for Constitutional and Legal Affairs, Ms Angela Kairuki, launched the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment programme (GEWE II).

Source: The Star
The National Cohesion and Integration Commission has warned over increasing cases of hate speech targeted at women aspirants ahead of the general election.

Source: ANGOP
The percentage of positive tests in pregnant women countrywide fell from 9.8 in 2007 to 4.8 per cent in 2011, due to the effort made by the Angolan government, through the Ministry of Health, in the fighting against pandemic disease.

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