Source: The Economic Times
India has the potential to lead the world in creating just and equitable societies, the head of UN's women empowerment body has emphasised and said men and boys can play an important role in achieving gender equality.

Source: Premium Times
The Incorporated Trustees of Women Empowerment and Legal Aid Initiative, WELA, has instituted a suit against the Federal Government on the alleged the discriminatory effects of certain provisions of the Criminal Code and Penal Code, on women.

Source: Premium Times
The Federal Government on Thursday said it had set aside about N435 million for the take off of the safe school initiative.

Source: Aljazeera America
Nearly a year into the Ebola crisis ravaging West Africa, the deadly disease has spread far beyond the region, reaching Spain, Germany, France, Australia and the United States.

Source: Take Part
The woman in the orange dress with a cheery bluebird print was the first to arrive, at 6 a.m.

Source: Vanguard
Saturday 25th of October will forever remain evergreen in the lives of over 5,000 women in Lagos as they benefitted from free health services offered by the Arise Women of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, City of David, Lagos during its 6th Annual Arise Women's conference.

Source: Zambia Daily Mail
PANOS Southern Africa senior programmes officer Gillies Kasongo says reproductive health services should be made user -friendly for teenagers to curb unwanted pregnancies and illegal abortions.

Source: East African Business Week
Last week, Uganda held the 5th International Conference of Obstetric Fistula Surgeons.

Source: Global Post
The East African Parliament on Thursday said that the East African Community (EAC) partner states are lagging behind in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Four and Five on child and maternal health.

Source: Government of Ghana
The Media Foundation for West Africa's (MFWA ) monitoring of women's participation in public discourse programmes in Ghana show that political parties have consistently sideline women in their media engagements.

Source: Mmedionline
Most of these 'clinics' are now using the power of the social media to target pregnant Batswana women through advertisements, especially by creating Facebook pages.

Source: Independent European Daily Express
Experts are raising alarm that years of HIV interventions throughout Africa have failed to stop infection among young women 15 to 24 years old.

Source: Ventures Africa
Tosin Taiwo is a passionate volunteer and social worker with years of experience working directly with children and women in rural communities, with focus on education and empowerment programs.

Source: The Southern Times
Jairos Maruwe used to beat up his wife so badly he once knocked her unconscious and broke her arm.

Source: Gender Links
The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) has called on UN member states to include strong provisions on gender, media and information communication technologies (ICTs) in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Source: Euronews
"A symbol of the peaceful fight against sexual violence, poverty and discrimination," is how the jury of the Asturias Awards described Caddy Adzuba in awarding her its Concord Prize, the Spanish royal foundation's equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Source: East African Community
The 7th Ordinary Meeting of the East African Inter-parliamentary Forum on Health Population and Development opened today at the Hilton Hotel, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Source: All Eyes On Africa
Today, we are so proud of Nigerian democracy activist and women’s right advocate Dr. Josephine Odumakin who was recently awarded the2013 United State Secretary of State’s International Woman of Courage Award.

Source: FIDH
As Egypt prepares for its second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council, the human rights situation in the country continues to deteriorate. Independent civil society groups including human rights organizations are facing unprecedented threats of closure and prosecution.

Source: The Daily Vox
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) on Tuesday launched a global funding campaign to raise R10-million rand by the end of November.

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