Source: The Daily Star
BEIRUT: A gathering of NGOs and right groups called on the Lebanese authorities Tuesday to investigate thoroughly in the death and injury of three migrant domestic workers last week.

Source: Devex
News of soaring demand for land in Africa and the strain this places on rural men and women is not new. Nor is it news that some of the land governance systems on the continent have not sufficiently protected rural communities in the face of heightened demand for land.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
"THIS is cruelty of the highest degree. You cannot believe it," remarked a court official, who pleaded anonymity. Such a statement attracted the attention of many people in the court.

Source: Star Africa
Hundreds of protestors poured into the streets of Nairobi on Monday to protests over the rising cases of stripping of women in Nairobi and Mombasa.

Source: Global Post
Fewer babies could mean an "economic miracle" for sub-Saharan Africa, with gains of $500 billion (400 billion euros) a year over three decades for the region, the UN Population Fund said Tuesday.

Source: New Security Beat
"Sub-Saharan Africa's young people are in effect the global labor force of the future," said Jack Goldstone at the Wilson Center on October 15.

Source: All Africa
Africa can boost its growth by a third and generate an "economic miracle" if it invests enough in the younger generation, says a top United Nations official tasked with promoting health and equal opportunities for the world's people.

Source: BBC
Photographer, blogger and poet Nana Kofi Acquah uses his travels around Africa to chronicle the lives of women at their most accomplished and at their most vulnerable.

Source: Voice of America
Women's and civil society groups are criticizing a member of Ghana's parliament for calling for women who commit adultery to be stoned or hanged.

Source: Spy Ghana
Closing the gender gap in agriculture would accelerate significant economic gains in developing countries, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has said.

Source: The Telegraph
Set in 1,000 acres of lush grassland, the sprawling campus of the American University of Nigeria represents everything that the Islamist militants of Boko Haram oppose. Since opening a decade ago, its stated aim for its 1,400 students is to provide a US-standard education for "Nigeria's and Africa's future leaders" – be they Christian or Muslim, male or female.

Source: The Independent
Mayiga Abdullah is a paedophile. He openly admits to it. And when he's told that in the UK he would be in prison and on the Sex Offenders' Register, he laughs.

Source: i24 News
Egypt launched its first feminist comic-strip magazine, the London-based al -Sharq al-Awsat reported Friday.

Source: The Daily Vox
One a scale of one to patriarchal, how far back is the Ministry of Women setting South African women?

Source: Star Africa
The White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) in Malawi, a grouping that advocates for safe motherhood and welfare of nurses and midwives has petitioned the government over the increasing deaths of women during pregnancy and child birth.

Source: Mail & Guardian
It is 12.30pm and an older woman emerges from her tiny mud house. A younger woman is making some porridge outside.

Source: OnIslam
Malawi Muslim women are mobilizing themselves to advocate for the enforcement of harsher penalties against perpetrators of Gender Based Violence (GBV), seeing them as the only means to minimize escalating rates of the social problem.

Source: Aljazeera
Darfur no longer grabs the headlines as it falls out of favour as a cause celebre yet the atrocities, especially against women, haven't stopped.

Source: Voice of America
Medical experts say cervical cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer related deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Source: Sci Dev Net
African governments must place rural women farmers at the apex of agricultural research and scientific innovation to achieve sustainable development and economic growth, a conference has heard.

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