Source: The Huffington Post
According to an immigration judge in the United States, "Domestic violence is private in nature and is not the type of politically motivated harm entitled to international protection under the Refugee Law."

Source: Zambia Daily Mail
UNDER the banner "Peace begins at home: End violence, empower women" Gender Links is calling for a radical shift in approaches to ending violence during the Sixteen Days of Activism from November 25 to December 10.

Source: PR Newswire
From November 27 through 30, Marrakech, Morocco hosted the second annual World Human Rights Forum. More than 7,000 people from nearly 100 countries met to assess progress and challenges in the human rights arena in four days of workshops, panel discussions, and other activities.

Source: Irish Times
"Women's empowerment is vital to stop man-inflicted violence," former president of Ireland Mary Robinson has told a seminar organised by the Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (ICGBV).

Source: The Guardian
Study highlights enduring discrimination in areas ranging from land and inheritance rights to politics and social justice.

Source: All Africa
The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the NW jointly with its affiliates will be celebrating our victory in the late Pinky Mosiane case after the perpetrator was sentenced last week for raping and killing our late sister Pinky Mosiane on 6th Feb 2012 at Anglo Platinum mine.

Source: All Africa
The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) joins millions across the globe in the united fight against HIV and Aids on this year's World Aids Day.

Source: Huffington Post
Sitting outside her home with a thatched roof made mostly of reeds, Maria Amelia, 46, was preparing to take her first-ever HIV test. She was slightly anxious and made an admission that explained why.

Source: Yale Daily News
Ambassador Samantha Power '92, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, spoke to a packed auditorium in the Yale Law School about the dangers facing the world — ranging from Ebola to sexual violence against women and violent extremism — and the importance of developing long-term strategies against them.

Source: All Africa
Gender-based violence is a global problem of pandemic proportions. According to the United Nations, one in three women will be beaten, raped or abused in her lifetime.

Source: International Business Times
Girls living in sub-Saharan Africa are behind a staggering increase in cases of HIV infections, a recent report from UNICEF shows.

Source: AllAfrica
The launching of the 16 days of activism against violence on women and children campaign is a clear indication that government does not condone gender based violence (GBV), says the Minister of Labour and Home Affairs, Mr Edwin Batshu.

Source: AllAfrica
As Zambia joins the rest of the world in commemorating the 16 days of the campaign against sexual and gender-based violence (GBV), there is need to take stock of what changes have taken place so far so that this period makes a difference in the country.

Source: Coast Week
Kenya has launched a solidarity movement that engages men and boys to end gender inequality in the country. The move is to help break the silence by raising voices and taking action whenever one gender's right is violated.

Source: Mwegi Online
The Saturday event was held at New Era college ground where eight teams and the community gathered to share information about GBV and other family related issues.

Source: AllAfrica
Members of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) have largely attributed Africa's underdevelopment to gender inequality.

Source: The Independent
A 16-day global campaign against gender-based violence, with a particular focus on female genital mutilation (FGM), has began this week.

Source: Oye Times
Most of the girls are kept at homes or in the cattle camps to help in household activities or cattle rearing, sources have revealed.

Source: News 24
Namibians voted on Friday in a general election billed as Africa's first e-vote, with the ruling party expected to retain power in the country it has run since independence.

Source: Gender Links
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global problem of pandemic proportions.

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