Source: UN News Center 
19 September 2017 – The United Nations refugee agency is urging the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to ensure protection for refugees and asylum-seekers following last week’s shooting incident in Kamanyola in which at least 39 people were killed and 94 injured.

Source: UN Women

One of the most persistent barriers to women’s success at work and to economic growth, unequal pay, will be actively challenged by a new global partnership, the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC).

Source: IRIN

Uganda received its one millionth refugee from South Sudan on 17 August. This influx of people, many of whom have fled terrible violence to seek sanctuary in northern Uganda, has put a significant financial strain on the country and in particular its northern region.

Source: ISS

Young people are key to peace efforts, but they need support and a place at the table.

Source: Aljazeera 
Thousands of women fleeing the four-year-long conflict in South Sudan have been raped and sexually assaulted, according to rights groups and women who have spoken to Al Jazeera.

Source: UN News Center 
17 September 2017 – Ahead of a high-level United Nations meeting on preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, the Organization's Special Coordinator on the issue is urging global leaders to join the “Circle of Leadership,” lend the political weight of their offices, and act – both at the national and international levels – to eradicate the scourge.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

NEW YORK, Sept 14 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Leading feminist figures from around the world lent their support on Thursday to scores of Congolese women gathered in a bid to end the Central African country's rape epidemic.

Giving women a role in peace efforts in the conflict-torn nation could help address its astronomical rate of sexual violence, they said, which has earned it the tag of "rape capital of the world."

Source: VOA

Women's rights activists in Malawi's capital, Lilongwe, braved hot weather Thursday to protest recent domestic violence in which seven women were slain or disfigured by their partners.The protesters, many of them women, wore black attire, and at one point they lay in the street to symbolize mourning.

Source: Aljazeera

President's initiative secures Tunisian women's right to choose spouse despite opposition from mainstream Muslim clerics.

Source: IPS

Rape, torture, pillage, murder and forced displacement by the Union for Peace in Central Africa (UPC) rebel forces are the new horrifying realities faced by communities in Basse-Kotto, Central African Republic, according to the prominent London-based human rights group Amnesty International.

Source: UN Women 

The Sustainable Development Goals seek to change the course of the 21st century, addressing key challenges such as poverty, inequality, and violence against women and girls.

Source: IOL

Maputo - Maputo will on Friday host the second of five conferences organised by the African Commission aimed at developing new ideas and opportunities for women's employment in Africa.

Source: IOL

Lusaka - When Zambian Lands Minister Judith Kapijimpanga announced recently that government had directed local authorities to intensify land allocation to women with immediate effect, there was general approval.

Source: AllAfrica 
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) says it will support Nigerian female politicians vying for elective positions in the 2019 general elections.

Source: The Washington Post 
TUNIS, Tunisia — Some denounce it as a violation of Islamic law, others embrace it as revolutionary: An initiative by Tunisia’s president to make inheritance

and marriage rules fairer to women is reverberating around the Muslim world, and risks dividing his country.

Source: UN News Centre

Over 3.5 million refugee children did not have the chance to attend school in the last academic year, according to a report published today by the United Nations refugeeagency, which is calling for education to be a vital component of humanitarian response.

Source: allAfrica
Girls in Geita District are caught between a rock and a hard surface. Despite grappling with cultural norms and values that reduce them to mere sources of income upon marriage while on the other hand strive to dodge early pregnancies and marriage traps; they are disheartened by lack of sanitary facilities in schools.

No one should ever have to choose between starving to death and exposure to HIV, however, millions of women and children struggling to survive in the drought-stricken countries of southern Africa aren’t being given a choice.

 Source: Women's Media Center


While women are active and successful mediators at the grassroots level, they remain largely invisible in international peacemaking. Dr. Catherine Turner says it is urgent to raise the profile of women mediators.

Source: News Deeply

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