Source: Inter Press Service News Agency 

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nov 30 2017 (IOM) - I rent a tent for five dollars a week, and pay 30 as a monthly fee to access an artisanal mining camp of more than 900 miners. To get there takes a two-hour climb from the nearest trading centre. I sleep with about six male workers, each of whom pays about three dollars per session.

Source: allAfrica

ECOWAS countries have been tasked to enforce gender-friendly and inclusive agriculture laws to increase production and value-chain in order to meet up with Africa's Zero Hunger target by the year 2025.

Source: allAfrica

Osogbo — People of Osun State on Tuesday declared an end to the practice of female genital mutilation and promised to champion the campaign and advocacy to eradicate and banish the practice totally.

Source: Inter Press Service News Agency

INDIA/CAMEROON, Nov 26 2017 (IPS) - Sally Mboumien remembers the day she pressed a steaming hot stone against her chest. In Bawock, the rural community of western Cameroon where she grew up, young girls often had their young, sprouting breasts flattened with a hot iron or a hammer or spatulas that had been heated over burning coals.

Source: IPS

It’s the fifth day of the 16 days campaign on violence against women but I feel like the campaign started months ago because of the powerful #MeToo campaign. While I applaud this campaign, I have some thoughts that I believe could make this a truly global watershed moment in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence.

Source: Forbes
November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This important day was established by the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/134 in December 1999. Violence against women and girls includes: "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life."

Source: European Commission (ECHO)

A gender-sensitive approach to humanitarian aid is a requirement for effective, quality programming. It ensures that humanitarian projects reach the most
vulnerable, respond adequately to their specific needs and do no harm. Protection strategies against sexual and gender-based violence must be incorporated in all aspects of relief operations.

Source: UNFPA

Click here for the link of the 16 objects captured by UNFPA

UNITED NATIONS, New York – “That’s what’s left of my teeth after my husband beat me,” Ameera* said at a women’s shelter in south-western Yemen.

Source: Pambazuka News

There is abundant research on the multiple forms of oppression that queer/LGBTIA+ people suffer from straight society. It’s time to acknowledge the oppression experienced within the movement itself.

Source: allAfrica

Shaheed El-Hafed — The National Union of Saharawi Women (NUSW) condemned on Friday the continuous and serious violations of human rights committed by the Moroccan regime against the Sahrawi women in the occupied cities of Western Sahara.

Source: allAfrica

Khartoum — Sudanese women rights centres launched the Women's Initiative and Building Trust campaign to combat violence against women on Thursday, against the backdrop of activities against tea sellers in Khartoum.

Source: allAfrica

Women with a secondary education have significantly greater bargaining power over resources within marriage, and greater choice over the age of marriage.

Source: allAfrica

A 16-day campaign to combat gender-based violence in Ghana has been launched with a call on all Ghanaians to pledge to end violence against vulnerable people, especially women and children.

Source: allAfrica

The initial response to the outpouring of '#MeToo' around the world has been of outrage at the scale of sexual abuse and violence revealed.

Source: UNMISS

Women in the Jonglei region want the opportunity to play a greater role in resolving ongoing violence and building sustainable peace in South Sudan.

Source: Daily Nation 

A recent survey on gender equality and empowerment shows majority of Kenyans see the country as moving in the right direction on gender equality. 

Source: HRW

For the past month, Burundi’s ambassador to the United Nations, Albert Shingiro, has publicly threatened to “bring to justice” members of a UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) investigating abuses in the country, suggesting they could be prosecuted for defamation and “attempted destabilization” of Burundian institutions. 


Globally, at least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone some form of female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM).

Source: IPS News

Every woman and every girl has the right to a life free of violence. Yet this rupture of human rights occurs in a variety of ways in every community. It particularly affects those who are most marginalized and most vulnerable.

Source: UN Woman

Liberia is grappling with rising incidences of sexual and gender-based violence.

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