Source: HRW

In a legal first for Botswana, the country’s High Court has ruled that a transgender man should be allowed to hold official documents that reflect his gender identity. The judgment is a huge victory for transgender people in Botswana, who face considerable challenges when their gender identity is not reflected in official papers.

Source: African Independent 

Thirty three people have been arrested by the Egyptian authorities as part of a crackdown on gays after a rainbow flag was raised at a recent concert, according to activists and rights group, Reuters reported yesterday.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month starts in October, and with that comes a spotlight on financial abuse. Financial abuse is absolutely a form of domestic abuse, and the two are linked more often than not. In fact, 99% of domestic violence victims also experience financial abuse, which makes it even harder for victims to extract themselves from abusive situations. Financial abuse can range from signing documents you don't understand (or are not allowed to read) at your partner's behest, to not being allowed to work or have control over your own money.  Christine Hennigan, a certified divorce financial analyst, has helped many clients working to educate themselves financially and get out of bad (and potentially dangerous) situations. Hennigan, who is also a chartered financial analyst at Penn Mutual's 1847Financial, advocates for women's financial literacy—here's what she has to say about identifying and dealing with financial abuse.

So where’s the sexual and reproductive health in emergency response?

Millions of people around the world have been displaced from their homes this year. They are running from natural disasters – hurricanes, mudslides, floods, wildfires, drought – and some that are at least partially man-made – violence, famine, epidemics. As theses crises continue to increase in frequency and severity, we must be prepared.When an emergency occurs, aid agencies spring into action, providing clean water, food, and temporary shelter to those who are affected. Some may also provide urgent medical care, treating physical injuries caused by the disaster. These efforts are obviously critical, and must continue – but they are not enough.

Source: AllAfrica 
The Democratic Republic of the Congo's Personal Representative on Sexual Violence and Child Recruitment, Madam Jeanine Mabunda, launched the Principles for Global Action to tackle the stigma of sexual violence in conflict at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly in New York, at a program organized by the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative. "This launch gives us confidence that the world is stepping up to tackle these issues and we stand in solidarity with everyone here today," Madam Mabunda said.

Source: UN News Center 
With tens of millions of human trafficking victims worldwide, “now is the time to stand together and stamp out this abominable practice,” Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterres today told a high-level meeting at which Member States adopted a political Declaration reaffirming their commitment to implement a United Nations action plan to end the scourge.

Source: UNFPA

Maiduguri, NIGERIA – Yana, 25, was three months pregnant when she fell sick with cholera just days ago. “I was already suffering, but then I started bleeding, and the baby is gone now,” she told UNFPA in one of the tent wards for cholera patients at a displacement camp outside Maiduguri, the capital of Nigeria’s conflict-scarred Borno State. 

Source: HRW

Rwandan authorities have arrested, forcibly disappeared, and threatened political opponents since the August 2017 presidential elections, Human Rights Watch said today. The incumbent, Paul Kagame, won the election with a reported 98.79 percent of the vote.

Source: UN News Centre

8 September 2017 – The scale up of international assistance to the Lake Chad Basin this year has averted a famine in north-east Nigeria, even though millions of people are still suffering, according to the United Nations aid chief. 

Source: UN News Centre

28 September 2017 – About 25 million unsafe abortions, accounting for 45 per cent of all abortions, occurred every year from 2010 to 2014 worldwide, with 97 per cent of those unsafe procedures occurring in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, a new United Nations study has found. 

Source: UN News Centre

26 September 2017 – Large-scale displacement and a health system in tatters as a result of persistent violence by the Boko Haram terrorist group have left many – most worryingly, pregnant women and their unborn babies – vulnerable to cholera in the wake of an outbreak in August, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has warned.

Source: HRW

(Abuja) – Cameroon’s military has carried out a mass forced return of 100,000 Nigerian asylum seekers in an effort to stem the spread of Boko Haram, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The deportations defy the UN refugee agency’s plea not to return anyone to northeast Nigeria “until the security and human rights situation has improved considerably,” and leaves deportees facing spiralling violence, displacement and destitution.

The gender pay gap doesn’t just reflect men’s dominance in the workplace, it parallels a hidden oppression in the home. As the Trump administration moves to slash social-welfare programs and roll back workplace anti-discrimination protections, the economic war on women is manifested not only through the pain of deprivation but, often, through the violence of abusers.

Source: UN Women

The energy in the room was palpable, as the African Women Leaders Network, launched in June 2017, reconvened under the leadership of Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat today at the 72nd UN General Assembly, on 21 September 2017. The discussions focused on mobilizing support for women’s leadership in the transformation of Africa towards a peaceful, stable and prosperous continent. 

Source: AllAfrica 
Caught under the shadow of the already-famous women, there are also many other self made icons who turned tragedy into remedy, however their successes go unnoticed. Helina Yetateku, a mother of two, is one of such women. She just saw massive transformation on her life.

The Federal Government on Thursday described the rate of illiteracy in Nigeria as alarming, saying between 65 and 75 million people are illiterate in the country. The Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, made the remark on Thursday when he paid a courtesy call on Governor Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi State in Birnin Kebbi.

On the margins of the 72nd UN General Assembly, a high-level discussion hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers under Norway’s Presidency and UN Women put the spotlight on the issue of paid parental leave. Women’s economic empowerment is a key pillar of sustainable development and growth.
Yet, only about 50 percent of working-age women compared to 76 percent of men are represented in the labour force globally today, and women take on 2.5 times more unpaid work than men. Unequal pay, a disproportionate burden of unpaid care work, and lack of paid parental leave for women and men are ultimately holding back women in the world of work.

Source: GlobalVoices

In a story published by The Citizen newspaper in Tanzania, Dr. John Lwegasha, the head of the gastroenterology and hepatology unit at Muhimbili National Hospital, was quoted as saying that hepatitis B is responsible for more deaths due to infectious diseases than HIV.

Source: UN News Centre

The European Union and the United Nations today launched a joint initiative to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations across the globe.

Source: UN News Center

19 September 2017 – Extoling the benefits of women’s economic empowerment, both for economies as well as societies as a whole, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today encouraged governments, the private sector, multilateral institutions and others to take measures to achieve the full and equal participation of women in the economy.

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