Source: IPP Media
In this article, our special correspondent dwells on the plight of poor Tanzanian women. He asserts that it is also unfortunate that the current policy and legal frameworks put more weight on political emancipation than ensuring economic survival of Tanzanian women bearing in mind that a hungry woman lacks confidence and ability to pursue her rights.

Source:  Joburg
In an attempt to build bridges between local and foreign women, the City of Joburg and the Department of Home Affairs held a women’s dialogue where issues of xenophobia and language difficulties were tackled.

Source: RNW
In Cameroon, parents use various methods to delay the sexual development of teenagers. Some massage the developing breasts of young girls, a technique also known as the "repassage des seins", or the ironing of breasts.

Source: WomenEnews
Tunisia has led the Middle East on women's rights and toppling autocracy. Now women are in line to run for office in equal numbers as men in the first elections. The threat of rollbacks and reversals also lurks.

Source: Guardian
Women are not forbidden from riding bicycles in Zimbabwe. But the absence of women on bicycles in our village led me to believe that they were.

Source: UN News Centre
Ban Ki-moon once again today stressed the need to accelerate efforts to accomplish the global poverty eradication and social development targets, urging all partners, including the private sector and civil society, to work with governments to ensure the goals are achieved by the 2015 deadline.

Source : UNFPA
UNFPA, the UN Population Fund, is alarmed about the increasing number of cholera cases being reported near Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. “Pregnant women who suffer from anaemia and malnutrition are especially vulnerable, because  of their weakened immune system,” explains Henia Dakkak, Humanitarian Technical Advisor at UNFPA.

Source: All Africa
So the Cabinet thinks that the requirement of no more than two-thirds of either gender in any elected body is "technically impossible to achieve under the current stipulation".

Source: Huffingston Post
Can we please stop referring to Nafissatou Diallo as DSK's "accuser?" She is his alleged victim. Every time someone calls her an "accuser" they undermine her credibility and bolster his. And it's not just sexist men who are doing this.

Source: Ghana News Agency
Madam Christina Amarchey, Brong Ahafo Regional programmes manager of Actionaid Ghana, has called for an enabling legislation to enforce the government’s directive on the inclusion of least 40 per cent of women in all national institutions.

Source: Commonwealth News
Commonwealth Chair-in-Office Kamla Persad-Bissessar to raise awareness on women’s leadership role at UN General Assembly event.

Source: Angola Press
The secretary general of the ruling MPLA party's women wing (OMA), Luzia Inglês "Inga", said Friday in Luanda that discrimination against women participation in decision-making organs has been overcome,

Source: Alert Net
BUJUMBURA, 12 August 2011 (IRIN) - A shortage of health facilities and health workers, frequent drug shortages and a weak government policy mean HIV-positive pregnant women in Burundi often give birth without taking any precautions to prevent

Source: Alert Net
Fawzia Mahmoud Saeed is driven by a desire to help those most at risk from landmines and unexploded ordnance – and to contribute to a better future for women and children in eastern Sudan.

Source: All Africa
The Federal Government will soon introduce labour-saving technologies for female farmers in the country to boost agricultural production.

Source: All Africa
Coast women have been urged to vie for leadership in next year's general election. Former acting Kenya Airports Authority MD and Giriama elder Naomi Cidi Kumbatha said time has come for women to take up the leadership positions as stipulated in the

Source: All Africa
While remarkable progress has been registered, reports of cases of abuse, mainly from rural communities, still appear in the media more often than not.


Source: Angola Press
The second deputy speaker of the National Assembly (Angolan Parliament), Joana Lina, said Friday in Luanda that the rising of Angolan women in the country’s decision-making organs started in the early days of the national liberation struggle with their contribution to independence.

Source: The Southern Times
In many cultures, premarital sex has for long been a taboo, but things are changing. More and more, young people are engaging in sex while still in school or soon after completing their basic studies. 

Source: All Africa
For a woman who lives in the urban centre, has education, a job and a gainfully employed spouse- living on two incomes guarantees a sense of safety. For the rural woman, who performs unpaid household chores, has no education or any steady income or nutritious meal, and a spousal relation with a man of no means- life is a risk each and every hour.

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