Source: IRIN
International funding for HIV fell by 10 percent in 2010 from the previous year, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and UNAIDS; activists worry that a continued reduction will undermine progress in global HIV prevention and treatment efforts.

Source: Huffington Post
As more women in developing nations are empowered to promote their own advancement and security, NGOs can't forget those who have the power to instantly change the treatment of women -- men.

Source: PeaceWomen
A United Nations envoy on Thursday expressed her concern about reports of sexual violence against women and girls who are attempting to flee famine-stricken Somalia.

Source: Nairobi Star
POKOT women still practicing FGM have been told they are at risk of missing out on husbands. The warning contradicts earlier beliefs that uncircumcised girls are not fit for marriage.

Source: Swiss Info
Fighting against violence against women - especially rape and sexual abuse - will aid development in countries that need it the most, a conference in Zurich has heard.

Source: IPS
Although there is a female presidential candidate contesting Zambia's Sept. 20 general elections, her prospects are not strong. And in fact, fewer women overall are likely to be elected into public office this year, analysts say.

Source: All Africa
ANY person who intentionally transmits HIV to another person commits an offence and on conviction the culprit shall be liable to life imprisonment. This amounts to gender violence and is partially what the HIV and AIDS Prevention Control Act

Source: Daily Trust
Proactive Gender Initiatives (PGI) Friday appealed to the Federal Government to set up programmes to empower women so that they can help solve problems in their homes.

Source: All Africa
Rita Kiprotich, 16, had a grand dream - to become a doctor and help the Sabiny access better health services and improve maternal health in the area. At the age of 10, Kiprotich topped her P5 class of 100 pupils.

Source: All Africa
The Centre for Gender Empowerment (CEGEMP), a Non-Governmental Organisation has called on Nigerian parents to attach great importance to the education of their female children.

Source:  The New Age
Throngs of women who attended the annual women’s parliament in Mafikeng on Friday called for economic engagement by women in order to mainstream their voice.

Source: The Sun News Online
In a desperate attempt to stamp out all forms of violence against women and give them economic empowerment, the Chairman, Ad-hoc Committee of the House of Representatives on Media and Public Affairs, Michael Opeyemi Bamidele,

Source: UN WOMEN
25 January 2011 was a day like no other for 26-year-old Egyptian women’s activist Sally Zohney. Through a youth-led campaign on Facebook, she received a message to protest against poverty, unemployment and corruption.


The United Nations marked International Youth Day today under the slogan ‘Change Our World,’ with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underscoring the “stunning” role young people have played during the past year in overthrowing dictatorships.

Source: UN WOMEN
The most severe drought in decades is threatening the lives of more than 12 million people in the Horn of Africa, with the people of Somalia facing the greatest risks resulting from armed conflict and lack of sustainable security and governance. This confluence of famine and conflict is particularly devastating for women and children.

Source: Plus News
A new government study has found that more than half of workers in Swaziland's garment industry are living with HIV, and officials are realizing that the once-hailed promise of manufacturing employment has become

Source: AWID
On June 16, 2011 the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) 100th Annual Conference adopted the Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers which requires governments to protect the human and labour rights of domestic workers and defines minimum standards for decent working conditions.

Source: AWID
The release of recent figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that, despite an increase over 2009, donor countries are way off track on delivering on their aid disbursement commitments. Women’s organizations are mobilizing for profound changes in the system to better meet development needs and guarantee respect for women’s rights.

Source: AWID
Human rights and women’s organizations have welcomed the Special Rapporteur’s report as a significant contribution to validating the important role that women human rights defenders play in the defending human rights and acknowledging them not just as victims, but as active agents of social change and transformation.

Source: Care2 

South Africans celebrate not one, but two Women’s Days every year. First there’s International Women’s Day in March and then there’s the country’s own National Women’s Day on the 9th of August. The latter commemorates the day in 1956 when 20,000 women from all over South Africa marched on the Union Buildings, the administrative seat of government in Pretoria, to protest against the Apartheid state’s repressive pass laws. All of August is officially designated as Women’s Month.

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