Source: United Nations
The United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (ONUCI) is looking into recent allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse involving its peacekeepers based in the west of the country.

Source: The World Bank
Shelmith Wanjiru Kuria leans against the rustic wood fence bordering her farm in the Kenyan highlands, majestic Mount Kenya a picturesque backdrop. The area has some of Kenya's most productive farmland, and some of its hardest working female farmers, says Shelmith, 34.

Source: TimesLives
Among the findings of a 2009 study by the Zambia National Women's Lobby Group (ZNWLG) was that even though political parties espoused gender parity they rarely implemented it.

Source: All Africa
Mozambican women's and human rights organisations on Tuesday denounced a sexist advertising campaign launched by the brewing company Cervejas de Mocambique (CDM - Beers of Mozambique), and demanded that the offending adverts be removed.

Source: the Monitor
Millennium Development Goal Three of the UN has put 2015 as deadline to eliminate gender inequality and empower women at all levels including education, health, employment, equal opportunity and dignity among others.

Source: IPS
Each day, one thousand women die in childbirth and one million people become infected with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including 7,000 cases of HIV. Yet these numbers are preventable, experts insist, when countries possess the resources and willpower to address and deal with them.

Source: Public Agenda
A Sierra Leonean Member of Parliament and women empowerment advocate has acknowledged the fact that Sierra Leone as a country has a long way to go, especially in respect of women's empowerment and human rights.

Source: The New Dawn
The United Nations Mission in Liberia or UNMIL has pledged support to a bill, seeking 30% women involvement in public offices here.

Source: SW Radio Africa
South African rights groups, labour movements and individuals are all rallying behind a young Zimbabwean woman who was left disfigured when acid was thrown in her face last week.

Source: Guardian Global Development Network
At this week's conference on Libya in Paris, the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) and the international community talk about "inclusiveness" in the new country's future. It seems strange, then, that half of the population - women -

Source: All Africa
Freetown — In its new report, At a Crossroads: Sierra Leone's Free Health Care Policy, officially launched on Tuesday September 6, Amnesty International has revealed that pregnant women and girls in Sierra Leone continue to face serious

Source: IPS
Agnes Kalunda’s doctor feared that because of her slight frame there was a high chance of her developing complications during delivery.

Source: IRIN

Amina*, 27, left her home town of Kismayo in south-central Somalia at the end of May for northern Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp. The journey took her and her four children 14 days and nearly broke them, but between the famine and the conflict, she was afraid that staying in Somalia could mean death.

Source: All Africa
At least 605 rural women, representatives of religious associations, agriculture cooperatives, NGOs and civil society of Kwanza Norte, Kwanza Sul and Malanje provinces participate since Tuesday at an upgrading course on training and female leadership.

Source: All Africa
First Lady Thandiwe Banda has called on women in the country to help shape the country's future by participating in elections on September 20, this year.

Source: BuaNews
The war on rape is far from being won and more attention needs to be given to curb the scourge, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has acknowledged.

Source: The Star
Government efforts to address the country’s ever surging population are being hampered by women’s reluctance to adapt modern family planning methods. This is according to a latest report released yesterday by the National Coordinating Agency for Population and Development. According to the findings, a paltry 25 per cent of women population, who are married but do not intend to have children are using contraceptives, a situation if not addressed will reduce the government’s efforts to realize MDGs and Vision 2030.

Source: Health-e News
The rape of girls and women remains a major concern in South Africa, and the health care sector needs to be better equipped to collect evidence to prove sexual violation to help secure the conviction of perpetrators by the courts.

Source: SciDev Net
The African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) fellowship programme has been inundated with applicants.

Source: City Press
The Nobel Women's Initiative has joined organisations urging President Jacob Zuma to withdraw his nomination for Judge Mogoeng Mogoeng as chief justice.

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