Source: United Nations
The United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (ONUCI) is looking into recent allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse involving its peacekeepers based in the west of the country.

Following these allegations the Force Commander of ONUCI, General Gnakoudé Béréna, conducted a tour, visiting the entire troop contingent in order to raise awareness about the United Nations’ zero tolerance policy on this issue.

SOUNDBITE (French) General Gnakoudé Béréna, Force Commander ONUCI:
‘‘There have been allegations of sexual exploitation by the ONUCI contingent against Ivorian females and if I have a single message to convey. That message is that there is zero tolerance for such behaviour within the United Nations. That is to say that there is no excuse for this kind of behaviour within the United Nations.’’

The Force Commander instructed new arrivals on their collective duty to live up to the standards established by the mission.

SOUNDBITE (French) General Gnakoudé Béréna, Force Commander ONUCI:
‘‘And for you, who have just arrived, remember that your predecessors have helped bring a high respect of ONUCI in the collective memory of the Ivorian people, and you have a duty to keep this respect."

After receiving the allegations two weeks ago, the mission immediately informed the relevant offices at UN Headquarters in New York so that the troop-contributing countries concerned, which were not named publicly given the ongoing nature of the investigation, could be informed.

It also informed the Ivorian authorities, as well as deployed officials to the region concerned to assess the situation, with the support of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Save the Children.

ONUCI was established in 2004 by the Security Council to facilitate the peace process in the country, which became split by civil war in 2002 into a rebel-held north and Government-controlled south.

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