Source: Sunday Times
The ministry of Health in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund, WFP, the World Food Program and Engender Health is carrying out a campaign to treat and end obstetric fistula in women in Rwanda.

Source: The Guardian
As demonstrations first swelled in Yemen, regime supporters distributed a photo showing Tawakkul Karman at a protest with a male colleague _ cutting out others around them _ to taint her for being alone with a man.

Source: TrustLaw
UN Women may be the United Nations’ youngest agency – it officially became operational only 10 months ago – but it is also one of its most ambitious with the aim of tackling the persistent discrimination and inequality faced by half of the world’s population.

Source: TrustLaw
Today the Nobel Committee announced that it is awarding its Peace Prize, the world’s top honor for individuals advancing peace, justice, human rights and humanitarian efforts, to three women: Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkul Karman, and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.

Source: IRIN
Hormonal birth-control injections may double a woman's risk of contracting HIV and passing it on to her partner, according to a new study. The research comes at a time when many governments are looking to scale up their family-planning programmes in a bid to reduce maternal mortality.

Source: New York Times
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2011 was awarded on Friday to three campaigning women from Africa and the Arab world in acknowledgment of their nonviolent role in promoting peace, democracy and gender equality. The winners were Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf — Africa’s first elected female president — her compatriot, peace activist Leymah Gbowee and Tawakul Karman of Yemen, a pro-democracy campaigner.

Source: The Simmons Voice
"Most of them are afraid to speak about what happened to them," says Caroline Tsetsana, a zone manager for the Simelela Centre for survivors of sexual violence.

Source: AWID
FRIDAY FILE: The HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Bill, which criminalizes the transmission of HIV and AIDS in cases where a person is aware that they are HIV positive, was tabled in Uganda’s Parliament in 2010. The Bill has a number of adverse human and women’s rights implications.

Source: Mail & Guardian
A small church house shelters about a dozen Maasai girls escaping female circumcision and early marriage, age-old customs of the Kenyan tribe now frayed by health risks and new laws.

Source: Daily Monitor
If we are to reduce poverty, we have to reach out to the poor, try to understand why they are poor, and find out if as individuals, they have the resolve to get out of their situation.

Source: Heritage
A female senatorial candidate in Grand Bassa County has called for equal participation of both males and females in the decision making process of the county. According to Martha Karnga, the county is behind other counties in term of equal representation at the Legislature

Source: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
A new global effort to end child marriage was announced today at the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, turning the international spotlight on a harmful traditional practice that affects the lives of 10 million girls in dozens of countries around the world every year.

Source: IPS
When Aisha Diis* and her five children fled their home in Somalia seeking aid from the famine devastating the region, she could not have known the dangers of the journey, or even fathom that she would be raped along the way.

Source: IPP Media
At least 50 editors from both the electronic and print media in the country are scheduled to meet in Dar es Salaam today to discuss what media can do to contribute to the fight against gender-based violence in the country.

Source: AllAfrica
Today, Nigerians in Abia, Abuja and Lagos will engage in a walk to protest against the non-deliverance of justice to ABSU 5 who committed the heinous gang-rape of a young woman and the general university policy on sexual violence. On August 16, 2011, at Abia State University (ABSU), a woman whose age is between 16 and 22 was gang-raped by five men.

Source: UN WOMEN
The 66th General Debate of the UN General Assembly closed this week with evidence of firm commitments to gender equality throughout the speeches of high-level government representatives. Emphasizing the importance of international efforts to achieve gender equality, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also announced USD 5 million to UN Women.

Source: UN News & Media
Women should be used more often to mediate disputes, because they can sometimes be more effective.

Source: Accra Daily Mail
UN Women and Ghana’s Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs MOWAC), other UN partners and security services in commemoration of the UN International Day of Peace have held a forum during a UN Open-Day on women peace, and security.

Leadership Newspapers Group yesterday entered into a partnership with a non-governmental organisation, Global Association of Female Attorneys (GAFA) on the war against violence on women.

Source: Swazi Observer
The Swaziland Chapter of the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce Industry’s first assignment will be to assist in organising the first ever women’s conference in the SADC region.

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