Source: Daily Nation
Being at the helm of an organisation is an enviable position for anybody who is starting out at the workplace.

Source: allAfrica
Practising journalists from the four regions of the country have attended a 3-day experiencing sharing workshop in Makeni from October 12 to 14 at the Pastoral Centre.

Source: TrustLaw
Jane Wanja, 35, says she doesn't know exactly how the new Kenyan Constitution will change her life, but she knows that, thanks to it, no women will be forced to leave their marital homes when their husbands die, as she was.

Source: UN Dispatch
While working as a gender-based violence consultant for my first UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, I was surrounded by victims of violence.

Source: MyjoyOnline
Women organisers of the various political parties in the country have welcomed the idea of increasing women’s participation and representation by pledging their support for the Affirmative Action Bill.

Source: The Zimbabwean
The female electorate are determined to fight and defeat Mugabe and Zanu (PF) through the ballot, said MDC-T Women Assembly National Chairperson, Theresa Makone.

Source:New Times
Different actors involved in the fight against Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) met in Kigali, yesterday, for a national consultative forum to map the way forward in fighting the vice.

Source: All Africa
Tunisia helped inspire change across the political landscape of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Now it approaches its next historic milestone on the path forward with Constituent Assembly elections on October 23 to elect the men and women who will write the new constitution and establish the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

Source: UN News Centre
Two United Nations agency chiefs today committed to work together to empower rural women through investment in education, economic integration and security initiatives.

Source: Almasry Alyoum
Egyptian women’s organizations announced Saturday the reestablishment of the Egyptian Feminist Union, a group that dates back to 1923 when it was originally founded by activist Hoda Shaarawy.

Source: AlterNet
In the eight months since the revolution, Egypt's women have learned that the fight for their rights is only beginning. In the immediate aftermath of this spring’s revolution, something new and unfamiliar happened in Egypt: women and men participated equally in political events.

Source: ReliefWEb
Poor rural households in developing countries were the hardest hit by the 2006-2008 food crisis, with women at a particular disadvantage because of their lack of access to resources like credit, land, technologies and infrastructure.

Source: New Democrat
As post election violence spreads to the media, several women comprising members of the Women in Peace Building Network (WIPNET), Tuesday paraded the streets of Monrovia with placards denouncing all forms of violence in the country.

Source: Shabait
The Administrator of Gash-Barka region, Mr. Musa Rab'a, said that the role of women is of vital significance in the government's endeavors to ensure social justice.

Source: IPS
As streams dry out, groundwater levels dwindle, and forests and other vegetation yield to droughts or sever storms, women who live their lives in the rural areas of Ghana have to spend more time and energy finding water and food for their families.

Source: allAfrica
The Network for Women?s Rights in Ghana (NETRIGHT) has taken note of the significant inroads women have made into the leadership of the Convention People's Party (CPP).

Source: Reuters
Sub-Saharan Africa faces daunting problems staving off famine in coming decades but food and development experts also say one solution to the problem is obvious: Empower Women.

Source: Huffingston Post
Every so often in the course of our daily lives, momentous events emerge reminding us of the power of everyday people to shape history and our collective future.

Source: Gender Across Borders
In most parts of sub Saharan Africa, the role of women in food and nutrition security cannot be overemphasized. Women are the producers of food in their communities. Women are also the people who prepare food for their families.

Source: The Guardian
With women's rights and gender equality high on the global agenda, campaigners should reassert the importance of feminism so long as they don't try to impose 'feminist solutions.'

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