Source: SomalilandPress
A one day dialogue regarding skilled women’s role on the development and political issues was today (Saturday) held in Imperial Hotel in Hargeisa.This dialogue which was organized and cooperated by WIJA and Dalmar Foundation was attended by 50 members from civil society, government and community members.


MS. Shukri Harir speaking for the name of organizations (WIJA and Dalmar Foundation) who organized this ceremony spoke at venue and thanked the participants and government officials for their acceptance of attending this dialogue. She thanked government officials for their cooperation.
MS. Harir speaking about the main objective of this dialogue said, “The main objective of this dialogue is based on to know the skilled women’s role on the development of the country and political participation as well. I hope that WIJA and Dalmar Foundation will discuss in great length on this issue”
Ministry of Fishing and Natural Resource Mr. Abdilahi Geljire stressed the importance to ease the system to allow women to partake politics. And the Minister requested from the President to increase the number of women in his cabinet.

Presidential Aid secretary MS. Amina Mohamoud Diriye called for women to organize themselves how to improve their presence in the political scene and the establishment of the new political organizations.


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