Juba — Female Members of Parliament (MPs) in the South Sudan National Legislative Assembly complained yesterday over underrepresentation of women in the Independent Commissions and moved a motion that the names of the Chairpersons of Anti-corruption Commission with its deputy and the Chairperson of Human Rights Commission with its Deputy should be taken back to the Office of the President such that at least a woman should be among the Chairpersons to represent the 25% constitutional posts for women.

Kinshasa — Nadine Mbwol suffers from konzo, an epidemic paralytic disease that affects the lower body. "I lost my marriage because of this disability," she says sadly.

Source: Myjoyonline
We stakeholders of the alleged witches camps in the northern region of Ghana having met in Tamale at Radach Memorial Lodge on the 29th and 30th December 2011, and deliberated on the existence of the alleged witches camps, have resolved to put before Government through the Deputy Minister of Women and Children Affairs, our observations and position on the matter of the disbandment of the camps.

Source: News 24
A team from the International Criminal Court arrived Wednesday in Libya to probe sexual crimes committed by loyalists of slain dictator Muammar gaddafi during the revolt against his rule.

Source: Vanguard
More than 500 women from Edo community in Esit Eket Local Government of Akwa Ibom on Wednesday blocked the access road to the gas plant under construction by Septa Energy.

Source: Nigerian Tribune
Chief Aisha Audu (nee Emeje) is a United Nations (UN) ambassador for peace and ex-wife of former Kogi State governor, Abubakar Audu. She is the gubernatorial candidate for the Justice Party (JP) in the 3 December gubernatorial polls in Kogi State. In this interview with Ruth Olurounbi, she speaks on why she is gunning for the number one position in the state.

Source: News 24
International Criminal Court countries on Wednesday agreed to nominate Fatou Bensouda of Gambia as chief prosecutor for the main war crimes tribunal, diplomats said.

Source: The Jerusalem Post
The female voices that triggered the dawn of the revolution are being pushed out of Tahrir Square through violent repression.

Source: BBC
In an area of Tripoli called Gargaresh, known for its younger vibe and busy coffee shops, sits a group of girls.

Source: SABC
The Health minister Aaron Motsoaledi says the treatment and care of HIV positive people in South Africa will not be affected if the Global Fund goes ahead with the cancellation of grants for AIDS programmes in Africa.

Source: Health-e
Decriminalising sex work would go a long way towards removing the hurdles sex workers face when trying to get health services, especially for HIV.

Source: The Guardian
Thirty years ago, in New York and San Francisco, a small number of young men became inexplicably and very seriously ill. Some had a particular cancer while others had a form of pneumonia that had never before troubled that age group.

Source: Daily Maverick
ARV treatment is a crucial health intervention and every effort must be made to increase coverage. However, other reproductive health services continue to be neglected, with dire consequences for women.

Source: Leadership
Chief (Mrs) Aisha Eleojo Audu-Emeje was first lady of Kogi State during the reign of her estranged husband, Prince AbubakarAudu. She is the only female candidate jostling for the coveted seat in Saturday's governorship election in Kogi State under Justice Party (JP). In this chat with ABIODUN OLUWAROTIMI, she relishes her chances and justifies why she is opposed to her husband.

Source: Daily Monitor
The level of corruption in Uganda has now reached unprecedented levels. And considering that since independence, the country has been led by men, all indications are that male leadership has failed the country.

Source: Daily News
THE ongoing national efforts to reduce poverty can only transform into reality if women are empowered with knowledge and skills.

Source: Daily Monitor
Women legislators have asked the government to develop a policy to educate child-mothers to enable them engage in productive ventures to fight poverty.

Kenya is calling on its women scientists to take advantage of extra research funding to help solve the country's development challenges, as part of its long-term goal to attain mid-income status by 2030.

Source: SABC
African leaders have been criticised for not taking the issues of climate change and women seriously after the African First Ladies Forum on Climate Change failed to draw the participation of first ladies on the continent.

Source: Radio Netherlands Worlwide
Aisha Kadhafi, the daughter of the slain Libyan leader, has called for the overthrow of Libya's interim government in an audio message aired on Syrian-based Arrai television.

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