Source: Nairobi Star
The provincial administration in Kuria East and West districts has been told to step up the war against Female Genital Mutilation. The Education Center for the Advancement of Women has written to DCs James Mugwe (Kuria West), Njuki Mutindika (Kuria East) demanding that perpetrators of the vice be brought to book.

In the letter, ECAW's Dennitah Ghati asked them to ensure full enforcement of laws that promote girls and women. "As we play our part in sensitising the community to abandon FGM, you should play your part in enforcing the law and bringing the perpetrators to book," Ghati said in her letter. "It is unfortunate that in the 21st century, and as we celebrate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence that girls are being subjected to this cruel act," the letter reads in part. "This cruel practice still goes on un abated in many communities, Kuria included. It is also unfortunate that just a few months since the President of Kenya signed the Anti FGM bill into law outlawing FGM, this practice is still going on."

The women rights activist said FGM is practiced on prepubescent girls aged between 8-16 years who are immediately married off to older men ending their examination prematurely. "FGM is affecting girls education in Kuria, preventing them from participating fully in development and leadership," she added.

ECAW in partnership with several organizations, the Children's office and the provincial administration are currently intensifying efforts to mobilize and rescue girls from undergoing the cut. ECAW is also supporting the two rescue centers set up for girls fleeing FGM at St. Joseph Ntimaru (Kuria East) and at St. Mary's Mabera Girls (Kuria West). Currently over 100 girls are staying over at these two rescue centers.

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