Source: New Vision
Uganda loses about $112m (sh275b) annually due to inadequate investment in maternal health and family planning, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has revealed.

Source: RNW
Liberia's president, a fellow Liberian and a Yemeni activist received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo Saturday for showing how women facing war and oppression can shed the mantle of victimhood and lead the way to peace and democracy.

Source: Daily Monitor
Picture a woman. She might live anywhere in the world. She could be part of any socio-economic group, of any ethnicity, of any religion. On a typical day this woman starts her day before the sun rises. She works for 8-12 hours in a store or on a farm or at a factory or in someone's home for a small wage, but her children and elderly relatives depend on her income for survival.

Source: The Moment
Basking in the euphoria of her commissioning, the Nigerian first military pilot says she is fit and ready to excel.

Source: IRIN News
The latest guidelines on infant-feeding options for HIV-positive mothers in Africa have not been disseminated in many countries, leaving women dangerously confused about the best nutritional path to protect their children from contracting the virus, a new report shows.

Source: IPS Gender Wire
 Kairobis Arcia, 25, died from a bullet to her head shot by her husband, Oswaldo Mendoza, 32, who said he was blinded by jealousy in an argument fuelled by alcohol and drugs.

Durban — While heads of state and negotiators gathered behind closed doors at the 17th conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Durban, more than 500 women from across Africa arrived by the busload at the nearby University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) chanting and singing.

The Women's Leadership Academy will mobilise ambitious Kenyan women leaders in every village, town, county and constituency and build their skills to the level where they are able to compete with men for the various political positions in the constitution.

Source: M&G News
The three 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureates on Friday said they hoped to inspire other women to aspire to become leaders in the struggle for peace and justice.

Source: Kansas City
The winners of the Nobel Peace Prize vowed Friday to work even harder to make the world see women not just as victims of conflicts, but as leaders in efforts to resolve them.

Source: Vibe Ghana
The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) under its programme, Media Capacity Building for Democratisation and Human rights has for the past 11 months built the capacity of 12 radio stations across the country to promote women’s rights.

Source: Pambazuka
The Women’s Leadership Academy will mobilise ambitious Kenyan women leaders in every village, town, county and constituency and build their skills to the level where they are able to compete with men for the various political positions in the constitution.

Source: Pambazuka
‘From Egypt to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the people are finding out that the entire process of voting and elections is stacked against change,’ writes Horace Campbell. We need ‘new forms of politics’ to transform our social system. In this time of seismic changes internationally, it is becoming clearer each day that new forms of politics are needed to give expression to the deep desire for transformation of this social system that places profits before humans.

Source: The NewTimes
Regional countries should follow Rwanda's strategy to combat Gender Based Violence (GBV), which has also helped accelerate the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.

Source: Daily Trust
Nigeria and indeed other African countries should not take programmes and policies given to them by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, Coordinating minister of the economy and Finance Minister Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has said.

Source: Daily Trust
Yola — "We have been marginalized and deprived of both socio-economic and political opportunities in Adamawa; they have sidelined Senator Grace Bent and kicked out Hon. Binta Masi Garba and only time shall tell the future of our only two female lawmakers. Therefore, we must wake up from this great slumber to fight for our rights," Madam Josephine Aboki has said.

Source: DailyNews
As a little girl in 1961 when Tanganyika was granted Independence by Britain, I saw a bit of what was happening around, without really grasping the meaning until years later.

Source: UN News Centre
The active participation of women in public protests witnessed in many parts of the world recently reflect their strong desire to promote social change, including a yearning for the rule of law and human rights, the United Nations independent expert on violence against women said today.

Justice has come slowly for Zoliswa Nkonyana, the 19-year-old woman murdered in Khayelitsha for being a lesbian. Sentencing is set for 19 December in a trail plagued by justice system flaws and failures. But this is the norm in a South Africa where brutalising or killing someone because of their sexual orientation is no hate crime, where rape's under reported and most offenders get away scot-free.

Source: Unesco
On 10 December we celebrate Human Rights Day to remember the creation, 63 years ago, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10 December 2011

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