Source: BusinessWeek
A group of men gathered around Amira El Bakry in Tahrir Square as she brandished a newspaper photo that shocked many Egyptians. It showed troops dragging a female protester along the street, her robe ripped open to reveal a blue bra and bare midriff.

Source: Africa Review
A coalition of Sierra Leone women groups plan to stage a march to push for better security in the country.

Source: Shabait
Women who engage in weaving activities after receiving training by the Ministry of Labor and Human Welfare said that they have been able to generate income, and that their life is improving.

Source: The New Times
In this month of January, the White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) is featuring courteous maternity care by promoting Universal rights of expectant women.

Source: The Daily Observer
The vice president and minister of Women's' Affairs, Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, Tuesday presided over the validation of the African Gender and Development Index (AGDI) report at the Kairaba Beach Hotel in Kololi. AGDI is a composite index of gender equality introduced by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).

Source: OSISA
The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) today joined the fight to repeal parts of Lesotho's discriminatory Chieftainship Act, which only allows the first-born son to succeed to chieftainship, by filing submissions in a landmark case that is due before the country's Constitutional Court next month.

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency
Many countries are moving forward with their nuclear power programmes and, in these countries, more and more women are taking on key leadership roles in developing the national nuclear agenda.

Source: Business Daily
Women are being left out of key decisions on distribution of wealth and resources because they are not active in political parties, a new survey has revealed.

Source: Times of Zambia
GOVERNMENT has condemned the rising cases of women being killed by their spouses resulting from gender-based violence (GBV).

Source: WomenNewsNetwork
As paramilitary violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continues with the absence of much of the western world's media coverage, United Nations Children's Fund – UNICEF is helping to bring 'child-friendly' spaces to adolescents who have been displaced. Many Congolese youth have experienced, seen or have had loved ones directly affected by violence.

Source: New Times
"Ni Nyampinga", a locally produced Rwandan youth brand, aims at inspiring adolescent girls to reach their full potential and enable them to have self belief and make good decisions for themselves in pleasurable, interesting and interactive ways.

Source: Daily Observer
The female representative in the National Youth Council (NYC) governing council, Adama Njie, has revealed that the estimates from the joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNIAIDS) has indicated that close to 33.3 million are people living with HIV-AIDS and most of them are living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Source: The Independent
There was quite a kerfuffle following President Kagame's last visit to Uganda in December 2011. The hoo-ha that played out over the airwaves, news pages and Twitter had nothing to do with the trip per se - relations between Presidents Kagame and Museveni have been warming over the past six months and such visits are becoming the norm - but rather with repeated questions about presidential term limits in Rwanda.

Source: UN WOMEN
“I was raped during the war by three men. I live with two stigmas: of rape and of HIV.” In her statement, Benetta describes the situation of thousands of Liberian women. But what makes Benetta different is that she is breaking the silence around these difficult issues.

Source: UN WOMEN
Remarks by Michelle Bachelet Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of UN Women, at the High-level Meeting on Reform and Transitions to Democracy. Beirut, 15 January 2012.

Source: Global Voices
Nowadays, it is a common occcurence to witness African-born women having successful careers in Europe. Despite the evident challenges, many of them have also distiguished themselves in politics. Still, it was not so long ago that such success would have seemed impossible. To achieve greatness, these women have often come a long way, both literally and figuratively.

Source: Africa Review
A leading Sudanese opposition figure is under heavy criticism for proposing that women be allowed to lead prayers in mosques.

Source: The Daily Star
Political Islam was a major topic of conversation among Arab leaders Monday, the final day of a U.N. meeting in Beirut that focused on democracy in the region. Representing the country that jump-started the so-called “Arab Spring” at a Monday roundtable entitled “Prospects for the future of the Arab region,” Tunisia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Rafic Abdel-Salam said Islamists are now part of political life.

Source: New York Times
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia inaugurated a second six-year term on Monday, calling for political reconciliation after a runoff election that was tarnished by an opposition boycott and street clashes between protesters and the police.

Source: IRIN
Involving men is increasingly being promoted as a key element in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and while its benefits are well-documented - in one Kenyan study it reduced the risks of vertical transmission and infant mortality by more than 40 percent compared with no involvement - it can occasionally lead to domestic discord and even violence.

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