Source: African Press Organisation
Recent Nobel Prize laureate, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, today assumed the chair of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) ( from President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete of the United Republic of Tanzania. President Armando Guebuza of Mozambique was elected Deputy Chair of ALMA.

Source: The Guardian
UN panel calls for sustainable development indicators that factor in poverty, inequality, science and gender equality. Social and environmental costs need to be integrated into measurement of economic activity, a new UN report said on Monday as it urged world leaders to focus on the long-term resilience of the planet and its people.

Source: The New Times
Officials from the Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) have tasked local authorities to educate the local population on matrimonial regimes and successions in order to stamp out gender based violence.

The 39 members of the Solidarity for African Women's Rights Coalition (SOAWR) based in 18 African countries have condemned the stripping of women wearing trousers and short skirts by male vendors in three major cities in Malawi namely Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Blantyre.

Source: IPS
For most Ugandan women, obtaining a commercial loan to start a business has been very difficult. Many do not have the required collateral of land title deeds and many cannot afford the interest rates charged by commercial banks.

Source: Africa Review
Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has opted to come clean over her role in the country’s civil war.

Source: Africa News
The 39 members of the Solidarity for African Women's Rights Coalition based in 18 African countries have vehemently condemned the stripping of women wearing trousers and short skirts by male vendors in three major cities in Malawi - Lilongwe, Mzuzu and Blantyre.

Guinea's Social Affairs Ministry has adopted a National Gender Policy (PNG) document which is meant to protect the rights of women in the country.

Source: The Journal. ie
OVER A YEAR has passed since Tunisian fruit and vegetable trader Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation kick-started a series of protests that brought down the leaders of four states in a series of popular uprisings termed ‘the Arab Spring’.

Source: Agence France Presse
Libya's ruling National Transitional Council said it adopted on Saturday a new electoral law on the basis of which the North African country will form its first constituent assembly in June.

Source: UN Women
Speech by Ms. Lakshmi Puri Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director UN Women at the initial consultations on the Zero Draft of the Rio+20 Outcome Document, New York, 25 January 2012.

Source: Daily News Egypt
Very few female candidates ran in the nation’s parliamentary elections and even fewer have been elected: 10 took the oath last Monday.

Source: BBC World
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged African leaders to respect gay rights.

Discrimination based on sexual orientation had been ignored or even sanctioned by many states for too long, Mr Ban told an African Union summit.

Source: The Observer
Often, women who face domestic violence fear to come out because of stigma and other reasons.

Source: CNN
An inaugural group of Congolese women graduated Saturday from a gender violence survivors program in the nation's east, where armed rebels roam the hills and rape residents.

Source: The Citizen
Slightly more than a week ago, some street vendors in Malawi's capital, Lilongwe, suffered what appeared to be a bout of collective madness.

Source: News 24
The ANC Woman's League had its fingers crossed on Sunday for Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma's election as the first chairwoman of the African Union Commission.

Source: RNW
Mbale — Female circumcision, often referred to as female genital mutilation, affects an estimated 92 million girls in Africa aged 10 and above. In Uganda, the practice was officially banned in 2009 but it is still practiced in rural areas by groups such as the Sabiny in the east of the country.

Source: The Monitor
She always thought that a pap smear was an important test that every woman should take.

Source: The Monitor
Women and girls in societies with fundamental inequalities are the intended and unintended causalities of war. Those caught in the military conflict faced sexual violence and exploitation, torture, forced recruitment, rape, mass rape, and trafficking.

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