Source: Times of Zambia

THE United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) has called for increased personal commitment among African leaders to improve maternal health on the continent.

Source: Times of Zambia

A DELEGATION of women's rights activists attending the 20th African Union (AU) Summit have called on all Heads of State to make stronger commitments to stop rising cases of rape and conflict.

Source: The News

Deputy Internal Affairs Minister for Operations Rennie Jackson has lauded the Ministry of Gender & Development for empowering more women through its program.

Source: The News
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have been urged to prioritize women reproductive health and children malnutrition in the post 2015 development agenda.

Source: The News
A Professor of Law at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law in the United States of America has told the Constitution Review Committee of Liberia that a constitution would not be democratic unless its revision considers women participation.

Source: Radio Dabanga

A women’s political alliance is asking for the release of at least 70 female prisoners transferred last month from a jail in Kadugli to the central prison in El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan.

Source: Rwanda Focus
As the struggle to fight gender-based violence (GBV) has remained steadfast, activism needs to go further than awareness campaigns - changes should be implemented through economic, social and development policy and the full costs of GBV need to be measured and recognized.

Source: SAnews
South Africa must address gender inequalities which make women more vulnerable to sexual and gender-based crimes, Justice and Constitutional Development Deputy Minister Andries Nel says.

Source: The New Vision

President Yoweri Yoweri Museveni has held talks with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Source: The New Zealand Herald
Don't hail a taxi. That was the first piece of advice I was given by friends when I arrived in Cairo last week. They explained that because of a spate of well publicised sexual abuse cases and harassment of both Western and Egyptian women after some shocking incidents in Tahrir Square, the birthplace of the revolution, it was wise to err on the side of caution.

Source: Bloomberg
At least 19 women were severely sexually assaulted or raped in Cairo’s Tahrir Square during the second anniversary of Egypt’s uprising, in what rights groups say was the highest reported toll in the country in two years.

Source: Saudi Gazette
THERE is no denying the importance of the role of Libya’s youth in the February 17 Revolution, just as there is no denying the role of women in the Revolution. These were in effect the drivers of Libya’s Revolution – inseparable and fundamental.

Source: AfriqueJet




UNFPA chief says family planning central to African women's well-being - Ensuring availability of family planning services and their acceptability to every woman, man and to young people, would improve the health of mothers and children in Africa, besides saving health care systems unnecessary expenditure, according to Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

President Jacob Zuma says despite South Africa being the last country to launch the Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA), the country was set on using every opportunity to achieve the targets set out by the strategy.


WESTERN province is to benefit from a Sh21 billion programme to reduce maternal deaths and increase antenatal care.

The programme, Saving Lives at Birth was launched in Vihiga County seeks to increase the number of poor pregnant mothers who deliver in health facilities.

The programmed is funded by the Saving Lives at Birth Consortium which comprises Grand Challenges of Canada, USAid, World Bank and the Bill & Melinda

Source: Times of Zambia

TWO men have been sentenced to 35 years imprisonment each with hard labour for taking turns in raping a 36-year-old woman within a police camp.

Kitwe High Court Judge Isaac Chali sent to jail Haggai Lupupila, 29, and Clifford Musonda, 24, for raping the woman on February 4, last year.

Lupupila admitted the charge, while Musonda denied committing the offence.


Cairo — While Egypt's uprising may not have given rural women a louder voice in the political arena, gradual change may be occurring at the grassroots.

In the ongoing political turmoil in Egypt, the question of what change the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak will bring about and to whom is still to be resolved.


Cairo — While Egypt's uprising may not have given rural women a louder voice in the political arena, gradual change may be occurring at the grassroots.

In the ongoing political turmoil in Egypt, the question of what change the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak will bring about and to whom is still to be resolved.

Source: Times of Zambia

GOVERNMENT has urged women to consider showcasing their artefacts and other merchandise during the August 2013 United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly in Livingstone.

Source: The Point

Following the recent distribution of garden tools, equipment and fertilisers worth over three million Dalasis to the horticultural women gardeners across the six agricultural regions of the country, beneficiaries have expressed satisfaction over the timely intervention of the West African Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP) in boosting their moral for improved living standards.

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