Source: OHCHR
Statement on activities undertaken between the 53rd and 54th sessions of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Source: Vanguard
At a time that South Africa and indeed the whole continent are engulfed in football, Rape cases are threatening to overtake and score more headlines than football itself.

Source: Vanguard
It was an avoidable death. 32-year-old pregnant woman and mother of two, Mrs Elo Onome did not live to tell her story. 'When on Sunday, November 25, 2012, she was rushed to the Central Hospital, Ughelli, Delta State from another government hospital in Otu-Jeremi following complications in her pregnancy, she thought she would live. But there was no consultant on duty at the Central Hospital to handle her case consequent upon which she was referred to a private clinic, also at Ughelli.

Source: DailyBeast
The brutal rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl has shaken the country’s consciousness—and inspired South Africans to share their own stories of sexual violence.

Source: Al-Shorfa

Human rights activists and civil society organisations continue to seek stronger political representation for Egyptian women in parliament, ahead of elections for the lower house of the legislative authority this year.The Shura Council, which holds full legislative powers until those elections are held, approved the elections law and another law that regulates political rights on January 19th.

Source: AllAfrica

World Vision is extremely concerned about the plight of girls and young women in Northern Mali, amid growing reports of young women being beaten, sexually assaulted and forced to become 'brides' for armed opposition groups.

Source: StarAfrica

The country’s Minister of Women’s Affairs and Social Development, Mrs. Zainab Maina, told journalists in Abuja on Friday that, “if you read Nigerian newspapers, there is no day a case of domestic violence such as gang rape and sexual abuse of the underage, women are not reported”.

Source: UN

The United Nations human rights chief today expressed her shock and deep sadness at the rape, mutilation and murder of a 17-year-old woman in South Africa, and urged a more comprehensive approach to tackling the “pandemic of sexual violence” in the country.

Source: Namibia Economist

A record 533 entrepreneurs and their staff attended the 56 business skills development courses presented by SME Compete last year, says the firm's director, Danny Meyer.

Meyer says this represents a 12% increase in the number of courses presented over last year.

Source: Financial Gazette
WOMEN have taken the centre stage in the proposed new supreme law of the land with at least 60 seats to be reserved for females under a proportional representation system during the next Parliament.

A plethora of other provisions in the new constitution have also excited gender activists

Source: The Star
Kilifi's best performer says girls can perform well if given support.

Speaking to the Star yesterday, Shadiya Abubakar Jeylan who obtained 414 marks from Tahdhib Muslim Academy challenged Coastal parents to support girls' education.

Source: This Day Live
A recent report released by Intel Corporation has revealed wide margin disparity between male and female in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), with women on the lower side. The report, which focused on selected African countries, identified two major factors affecting the use of internet by females to include Individual and Ecosystem factors.

Source: UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE campaign
A remarkable young man from Tanzania, 24-year-old Mwasapi Kihongosi won the global UNiTE T-shirt design competition in 2011, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in March 2012 and led a Caravan for Change against violence and harmful traditional practices in November 2012. Mwasapi tells us how the plight to end such forms of violence became his passion.

A series of workshops on women's participation in the Darfur Peace Process were organized throughout Darfur by the African Union - United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

SourceBBC News
Hundreds of Egyptians have taken part in a protest in Cairo to demand an end to sexual violence against women.

Source: The Star
A two-day workshop on gender violence ahead of the March 4 general election was launched yesterday in Isiolo.

Susan Shabangu, South Africa's minister of mineral resources, chose to highlight the role of women in the mining industry in her keynote address at the 2013 Investing in African Mining Indaba, currently under way in Cape Town.

Source: Aswat Masriya
A women’s initiative that goes by the name “Shoft Taharosh” (I Saw Harassment) has began a free training program to teach women self-defense against all types of physical assaults. The training sessions will begin on Friday, February 8, 2013 where Martial Arts professionals will trian 20 young women over eight sessions.

Source: Amnesty
Letting perpetrators in Egypt get away with sexual harassment and assault has fuelled violent attacks against women in the vicinity of Tahrir Square in recent months - continued impunity will only lead to further crimes, Amnesty International warned today in a new briefing.

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