Source: Premium Times
An Abuja Chief Magistrates' Court on Thursday adjourned to May 16, a case of alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl preferred against Pastor Basil Princewill of the Mountain Mover Fire Ministry, Nyanya, Abuja.

Chief Magistrate Ahmed Shaibu adjourned the case after listening to the cross-examination of the mother of the victim, Ngozi Iwuoha, by the defence counsel.

Source: Think Africa Press
There is no 'one size fits all' strategy for the development challenges that face the world - and its 7 billion inhabitants - today.

Let's take health for instance, and specifically HIV - a virus that we know affects many millions of people around the world.

In 2012, UNAIDS estimated that there were 34 million people living with HIV, married to, related to, working with,

Source: Oxfam International
In a week that will see seventy-one million pounds of chocolate sold for Easter, international agency Oxfam is accelerating its campaign targeting the world's biggest buyer of cocoa, Mondel?z International, to address unequal pay, poverty and hunger that women farmers who supply cocoa for their products experience.

Source: The Guardian

Women stood shoulder to shoulder with men in Tahrir Square in 2011. Now they are back on the streets, opposing a new constitution that sweeps away their rights and opens the way for girls of 13 to be married. And in Cairo's slums, life grows harder as the gulf between the sexes widens
The ambush came from the left, from a side street which led up the hill to Mokattam mosque. A rush of hundreds of men running down on the march of anti-government protesters, bringing a sudden clatter of rocks landing all around, the crack of shots fired and the whizz of tear gas canisters. Sticks, stones and metal bars flew through the smoke in both directions and screaming women and men ran back the way they came.


Women with disabilities "are often excluded from the society, and are no longer seen as recipients of the gift of God,” said the Rev Micheline K. Kamba at a recent World Council of Churches (WCC) conference.


Lack of comprehensive data on the magnitude of sexual violence, traditional practices, poverty and limited resources stand in the way of ending violence against women, a minister has said.

Source: BBC News

Internally displaced people in Somalia are suffering sexual violence and other forms of abuse, reports the Human Rights Watch (HRW) campaign group.The abuse takes place at the hands of armed groups, including government forces, it says.

Source: Human Rights Watch

(Nairobi) – Members of state security forces and armed groups have raped, beaten, and otherwise abused displaced Somalis who have arrived in Somalia’s capital fleeing famine and armed conflict since 2011, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The new Somali government should urgently improve the protection and security of Mogadishu’s internally displaced population.

Source: World Food Programme 

After fleeing her home in Mali, Dizawahet, 23, is about to give birth to her third child at a refugee camp in Burkina Faso. That's where she was born as well during another conflict in Mali that drove her parents across the same border. Dizawahet says she's grateful for the help families like hers receive at the camp, but that what she really wants is to go home.

Source: UN WOMEN

With the focus of local and international media on Kenya’s ability to maintain peace and stability, improvements in women’s political participation were an unsung success story of the country’s national elections, held earlier this month.

Source: Government of South Sudan
The deputy minister for General Education and Instruction Madam Rebecca Joshua Okwaci has appealed to the societies in the country to encourage girls' education and avoid forced or early marriages of girls.

Source: United States Department of State
The African Market Garden model has been pilot-tested in Niger, West Africa, with very successful results. These women of the Yobbi Women's Group are growing and selling more lettuce, tomatoes and okra with support from the U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF).

Source: Think Africa Press
There is no 'one size fits all' strategy for the development challenges that face the world - and its 7 billion inhabitants - today.

Let's take health for instance, and specifically HIV - a virus that we know affects many millions of people around the world.

In 2012, UNAIDS estimated that there were 34 million people living with HIV,

Source: The Voice of Russia
Women across the Middle East participated actively in what came to be called the Arab Spring that began in late 2010. Often seen as second-class and voiceless citizens in these male-dominant societies, they were a key force in the popular protests, which managed to topple autocratic regimes. They fought for their countries, their rights and their children's rights.

Source: The Herald
Give a child an education and a foundation has been laid. There are hundreds of orphans who are yet to receive education. In Hatcliffe Extension, 11 secondary school-going orphans under the care of Vision HIV/Aids are missing school because their fees have not yet been paid.

Source: The New Vision
After years of trailblazing the world in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Uganda is losing gains it initially made in cutting the prevalence of the disease to complacency, global health experts have disclosed.

Source: Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam)
The average HIV/AIDS prevalence among people aged between 15 and 49 in Tanzania has dropped from seven per cent in the last ten years to 5.1 in 2012, Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) revealed.

Source: Daily News Egypt
Egyptian women experience various forms of discrimination in public and private life. One of the biggest results of discrimination is violence. Although the media condemns violence and raises awareness about its enormity in some outlets, it has been accused of accidently perpetuating violence as well.

Source: Daily News Egypt
A bill regarding violence against women drafted by the National Council for Women (NCW) was published on Tuesday.

Source: Sudan Tribune
Participants in a women's only peace conference in South Sudan's Jonglei state took the drastic step of saying they would leave their homes and refrain from child bearing if men in their communities continued to seek violent solutions to ongoing conflicts in the troubled region rather than peaceful dialogue.

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