Source: Health-e (Cape Town)
When Lindeka arrived at Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital in Mthatha she had already miscarried her baby but the horror of what happened next only added to her trauma.

Source: Daily News Egypt
As women continue to face sexual harassment on the streets, women’s rights advocates say they are trying to push forward legislations and mechanisms to safeguard women from violence and discrimination.

Source: New Vision
Women rights’ activists have been advised to work with cultural leaders and not blame culture for women’s oppression if they want to enhance the struggle for women empowerment and gender equality.

Source: The Guardian
Women are increasingly challenging the traditional male monopoly of African politics. In Cameroon, campaigners have worked tirelessly to boost the chances of women standing in the country's pending elections.

Source: Perth Now: 
A Sudanese woman says she is prepared to be flogged to defend the right to leave her hair uncovered in defiance of a "Taliban"-like law.

Source: GenderLinks
A male minister in Sri Lanka offers to marry the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe tells South African envoy Lindiwe Zulu that he loves her, after calling her a street woman.

Source: Concord Times (Freetown)
Salone Youths and Adolescent Network on Population and Development (SalYAN), in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children's Affairs, and with support from the United Nations Fund for Population (UNFPA),

Source: The Star
Health Secretary James Macharia has called on Kenyans to embrace cost effective methods to prevent infant mortality. Macharia said a safe environment for antenatal care, delivery and care of new borns is essential if the country is to achieve Millennium Development Goals four and five, which highlight the need to reduce infant and maternal mortality.

Source: The New Times
Janet Umutoni, a mother of a 2-year-old baby has made endless trips to hospital. Her child is always falling sick despite the several trips. She only discovered recently the root cause of her child's frequent poor health. She didn't exclusively breast feed her baby for the first six months after birth.

Source: The Star
A senior health officer at Tudor District Hospital has said the government has disbursed money meant for free maternal healthcare to public hospitals. David Wanjala said they have received the pledged amount.

Source: Voice of America

Source: The Herald
THE election of women into Parliament will provide them with a platform to prove that they can perform just like their male counterparts, an outgoing Cabinet minister has said.Outgoing Women's Affairs, Gender and Community Development Minister Dr Olivia Muchena, who was addressing a Women In Politics Support Unit meeting in Harare yesterday, expressed confidence in female leaders.

Source: Capital FM (Nairobi)
Nairobi — Cabinet Secretary for Health James Macharia says he has sent officers to Bungoma County to investigate alleged malpractices by healthcare personnel.

SourceDaily Monitor
Speaker Rebecca Kadaga was yesterday elected the new chairperson of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians - International (CWP).

Source: Reuters
A Botswana court made history Tuesday by upholding the right of women to inherit under customary law and rejecting the tradition of males as sole heirs, according to a report in The Maravi Post.

Source: New York timesAs Anene Booysen lay dying, she whispered to her medics the name of the man who had assaulted her and left her lying in the dirt on a construction site, her bowels spilling from her abdomen.

Source: allAfrica
The “enormous potential” of small-scale farming to reduce poverty in Africa is not being realised mainly because rural women are neither recognised nor supported enough in efforts to develop agriculture, says a major report released today.

Source: Egypt Independent
The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights has denounced what it called a “lean” representation of women on the Committee of 50 that is amending the constitution. With just five members, women only constitute ten percent.

Source: The Star
One of the saddest paradoxes in sub-Saharan Africa is that many women die when they are giving life.

Newborn and maternal mortality rates are unacceptably high in Africa, according to Amref.

Source: Tanzania Daily News (Dar es Salaam)
Muheza — LIVING the life of a vulnerable child is something many people would not wish to have. But how many people really know the exact pain of living in that environment?

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