Source: AllAfrica
Nakivale — Cooking with a traditional three-stone stove in south-west Uganda's sprawling Nakivale refugee settlement used to be an exhausting daily exercise for 39-year-old Runiza. "I had to walk for five hours every day to collect firewood," the Congolese refugee recalls.

Source: AllAfrica
Nairobi — A woman who was set to get married this week has been shot dead by unknown assailants who also wounded her fiancé's brother. The woman, her fiancé and his brother had been shopping for her wedding scheduled for Saturday when three gunmen confronted them inside a shop at Corner House, and pumped bullets into her head.

Source: AllAfrica
Mara — CHILDREN'S Dignity Forum (CDF) is implementing an ambitious project aimed at saving schoolgirls from the menace of female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriages and HIV/AIDS in Mara Region.

Source: AllAfrica
Harare — A lot of women are raped by their husbands in Zimbabwe daily but the majority do not report such cases because they fear destroying their marriages, women's rights activists have said.

Source: AllAfrica
Dakar — A new education program in Liberia is teaching women in their 30s, 40s and 50s how to read and write - something that only a quarter of the country's women can do. The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said that more such second-chance programs are needed to educate the world's estimated 516 million women who remain illiterate.

Source: AllAfrica
Today we are celebrating the power that is Women! On this Women's Day we can take inspiration from the women in our history who showed us what our society can achieve if we stand up for ourselves and each other.

Source: Eurasia Review
President Jacob Zuma has encouraged women to participate actively in the economy as entrepreneurs and as workers depending on their choice and circumstances.

As a celebration of National Women's Day, Brand South Africa has urged all South Africans to play their part in the development of the country's girl children.

Source: The Guardian 
In recent weeks global leaders have increasingly spoken up about the terror that dominates life – and death – in the Central African Republic(CAR). Commitments to provide humanitarian assistance to trapped civilians are at last trickling into the beleaguered country from the UN, the EU, and the UK.

Source: The Guardian 
Not a week goes by without reports of fresh fighting in the eastern areas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Violence and destruction have ravaged the Great Lakes region of Africa for two decades, claiming more than 5 million lives. Yet the situation rarely makes the headlines.

Source: iAfrica
Public Protector Thuli Madonsela says 20 years on many women still haven't benefited from democracy.

Source: ENCA
CAPE TOWN - Gender equality is far from being achieved in the workplace -- women are still not remunerated on par with their male colleagues.

Source: AllAfrica

"The revolution and women's liberation go together. We do not talk of women's emancipation as an act of charity or out of a surge of human compassion. It is a basic necessity for the revolution to triumph." Thomas Sankara, African revolutionary.

Source: AllAfrica
Hundreds of underage children on Tuesday in Ogun State embarked on a protest against the ambiguous Section 29 (4b) of the Nigerian constitution, a clause, though devoted to renunciation of citizenship, recognizes women less than 18-years-old to be of full age.

Source: AllAfrica
Johannesburg — President Jacob Zuma will tomorrow, 09 August 2013,lead the country in celebrating 100 years of the contribution of women to the struggle for liberation and also in building a better South Africa.

Source: AllAfrica
In the wake of the recent controversies facing girl-child education in the country, the first female Vice-Chancellor of an African university, Prof. Grace Alele-Williams has stressed the need for quality education for the Nigerian girl.

Source: AllAfrica
Johannesburg — I remember a conversation I had with a woman last week who recounted the harrowing story of the manager of a local restaurant who recently slit the throat of one of the waitresses.

Source: Eye Witness
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga says women in South Africa live in constant fear of being violently attacked.

Source: Vanguard
In the wake of the recent controversies facing girl-child education in the country, the first female Vice-Chancellor of an African university, Prof. Grace Alele-Williams has stressed the need for quality education for the Nigerian girl.

Source: The New Dawn
Over 50 Liberian school girls have benefited from a Chevron-sponsored Job Readiness and Placement Information Technology (IT) Program in Montserrado County.

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