Source: Tanzania Daily News
"IT is widely agreed that women in Africa are the foundation of most major institutions. Food production in Africa is carried out largely by women. The health of families, especially the health of children, depends largely on women."

Source: Premium Times
Efforts directed at curbing the spread of the virus will be focused more towards women, NACA said.

Source: Xinhua
Zambia is in the process of coming up with another national strategic framework on HIV/AIDS as the southern African nation presses on with its resolve to eliminate the pandemic.

Source: The Observer
More than 50 per cent of women are scared of discussing family planning issues with their husbands, according to a study by Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU).

Source: Voice of America
About 4,000 people are expected to attend this year's International Conference on Family Planning. The three day meeting opens November 12 in Addis Ababa. The theme is Full Access, Full Choice.

Source: Tengri News
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon pleaded Wednesday in Niger, the country with the world's highest fertility rate, for better reproductive health to curb the Sahel region's runaway demographic growth, AFP reports .

Source: WNN
On October 28, 2013 indigenous women from around the globe came together to prepare for the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples in September 2014. To make sure the voices of indigenous women are heard loud and clear in 2014 a combined statement by the women in attendance was created called the “Lima Declaration of World Conference of Indigenous Women, October 2013.”

Source: Voice of America
For too long, gender-based violence has been treated as a woman’s issue, even though the vast majority of crimes are committed by men. Across Africa, more programs are seeking to end the scourge of violence by engaging men on all levels and challenging traditional expectations of manhood.

Source: The Washington Post
A wave of outrage has grown in Kenya since word has spread that a 16-year-old girl was gang raped and thrown into a pit latrine in this western Kenyan town, with the attackers told to cut grass at a police post, and then let go.

Source: World Bank
Responding to Niger's "Call to Action" for improvements in women's reproductive health and girls' education, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim pledged today to strongly support the initiative and to invest $200 million in a new regional project aimed at improving the regional response to maternal and reproductive health and adolescent girls' issues.

Source: UN News Service
Two United Nations independent experts today warned Sudan against threatening women with flogging, stressing this practice amounts to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment that goes against international law.

Source: The Star
A concern is being raised over increased rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections like HIV, gonorrhea and syphilis between January and June next year. Njoki Otieno from Activists of Women Living with HIV in Kenya also says there will be an upsurge of unwanted pregnancies. Dorothy Onyango from women fighting Aids in Kenya says the condom shortage will be a major blow to gains made in the fight against HIV.

Source: IPS
With a wide smile Beatrice M.* says that she lives by the motto “life is short and beautiful — live it to the full.” The 20-year-old, HIV-positive mother refuses to be defeated by her new circumstances.

Source: The Star
So much has been said about the worst form of punishment for rape. In a small village of Tingolo in Busia County, some Administrative Police officers decided that the best they could do to punish six young men who had gang raped a 16-year-old girl was to slash grass! Liz was literally left for the dead as they threw her in an unused 6-meter pit latrine.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Rozalia Msaudzi, 68, quietly explains what her life is like in her small village, near Iringa, in the southern highlands of Tanzania. She maintains a collected expression as she relates the hardship of maize farming, the death of her husband in 1996 and the number of children who are still alive.

Source: Leadership
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is to embark on a sensitisation programme against gender inequality in politics so as and attract more women into mainstream politics

Source: The Star 
The eighth Women in Leadership Conference set for November 4-8 at the Laico Regency in Nairobi, will see participants from all over the African continent.

Source: The Herald
Africa has been enmeshed in gender inequalities that have seriously eroded the status of women in all spheres of life, but as these are removed there are economic obstacles to be overcome for rural women in particular and now it is being found that disabled rural women have a whole series of almost hard to scale barriers.

Source: GVAI Alliance
Geneva — School girls in four districts to be immunised against leading cause of cervical cancer

Source: The Star
The World Vision says Siaya county has surpassed the national figure of the infant mortality rate. World Vision says the county's infant mortality rate stands at 135 per 1,000 live births against the National figure of 52 per 1,000 live births.

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