Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Female genital mutilation, the excision of the clitoris practised widely in African and many Muslim countries, is a means for men to maintain control of women and must be eradicated, U.N. human rights chief Navi Pillay said on Monday.

Source: UN News Centre

Marking the Day of the African Child, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown today called for the world to remember the kidnapped schoolgirls of Chibok, Nigeria, while also praising young people around the world as they mobilise to demand education for all.

Source: Think Africa Press

Every year on 16 June, the Day of the African Child provides an opportunity to evaluate the progress that's been made for children across Africa.

Source: Daily Maverick

On Tuesday night, Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini gave a speech which may not get the attention it deserves. It has been exceedingly rare in recent years for a South African politician to stand up and unequivocally, unapologetically affirm a woman's right to have an abortion. This week, Minister Dlamini has done just that.

Source: The Guardian

Women are the backbone of the rural economy in developing countries and are responsible for 60-80% of food production. They also tend to be the most knowledgeable about crop varieties.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

An amnesty given to rebels who took part in a brutal guerrilla war in northern Uganda is a betrayal of their victims and has derailed attempts to bring other fighters to justice, a rights campaigner said on Wednesday.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

In many parts of the world when a woman is raped, one of the first people she turns to is her religious leader. And the way her rabbi, priest or imam responds can be critical to her ability to heal and seek justice.

Source: Panapress
Human rights organizations in Mauritania have condemned the ''fatwa'' issued against one of their members, Aminetou Mint Moctar.

Source: Relief Web
For almost 20 years, international aid organisation CARE has addressed the causes of gender-based violence and its effect on survivors in both conflict and stable development settings. A new report, Challenging Gender-based Violence Worldwide analyses the impact of this work and how to build momentum to end the cycle of violence.

Source: New Vision
The 'Kaleke kasome, kakyali kato' ( translated as ‘leave the child learn, she is still young’) song by local artist Maurice Hassa remains very popular to many young people because of the message campaigning against cross generation sex, defilement, rape and child molestation. 

Source: Summit Business
Moremi Initiative for Women’s Leadership in Africa has named Uganda’s Faith Namalwa among 26 Africa’s most promising young women leaders with the courage and commitment to lead and shape the future of Africa.

Source: The Guardian
Better education translates into reduced female fertility rates, improved infant mortality rates, and fewer early child marriages. We have to keep educational gender parity in sight.

Source: Inter Press Service
My mother used to just stay at home, now she has come back and is an engineer and a leader. She is on the Village Energy Committee," said a 10-year-old girl from the village of Chekeleni, in Tanzania's southeastern Mtwara district.

Source: The Star
ANNAH Bonareri is among many women from Tabaka in South Mugirango constituency who abandoned brewing of illicit brew to venture into soapstone carving.

Source: Aljazeera
Despite threats, clan politics and marginalisation, some Somali women hope to change the country's political culture.

Source: Mail Online
Madinah Nalukenge recalls the day she set out to sell food on the filthy edges of a bus terminal in the Ugandan capital in 2004. She had just $10 left over from a failed attempt to sell bed sheets. Now she runs a catering business that makes a monthly profit of up to $3,000, a source of pride for the 34-year-old single mother who spends her days offering plates of mashed plantain and greasy meats to transport operators in downtown Kampala.

Source: Front Page Africa
Suakoko — President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has challenged Liberian women to rise up to the challenge by empowering themselves now that the pace has been set for self-actualization.

Source: CNN
Today, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ordered his interior minister to fight sexual harassment after several women were attacked during his inauguration celebrations. But will el-Sisi's sentiment make a difference?

Source: Ahram Online
A Facebook event titled 'Walk like an Egyptian Woman' is calling for everyone to 'leave their political views aside' and show up Saturday for the rally.

Source: The Telegraph
Suspected Boko Haram militants kidnap 20 women from a nomadic settlement in northeast Nigeria. The 20 women were kidnapped near the town of Chibok, where Boko Haram abducted the 300 schoolgirls

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