Source: Bernama
Namibia's Minister of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Rosalia Nghidinwa, has called for an end to child marriage and teenage pregnancies in Africa.

Source: The Africa Report
Sanusi runs a business mentorship consultancy in Accra specialising in women-owned companies. She plans to open an academy and focus more on the informal sector. Business mentoring and coaching on the continent are still sorely lacking. Many of Africa's small and medium-­sized enterprises (SMEs) are growing fast and ­often need help.

Source: Cordaid
"Traditionally, not a single woman had a voice. Even when she was abused, she had to keep quiet. That was the way of living for all Burundian women and for the majority of us that life was quite normal. Now, a woman who is elected can sit near the Administrator, and can even speak in front of men." Pascasie Hatungimana, hill representative, Bugendana Commune, Gitega Province.

Source: Ahram Online
Egypt's National Council for Women (NCW) criticised on Tuesday the low number of women in the country's newly-appointed cabinet, Al-Ahram's Arabic news website reported.

Source: Voice of America
More than 200 West African elected officials and civil society leaders have converged on Dakar this week for a conference on female leadership. As parity laws bring more and more women into local and national governments, experts say it isn't translating into improved policies on so-called women's issues like health, women's rights and development.

Source: NewStateman
The recent summit in London has grabbed headlines, but whether we have now reached a turning point in the fight to end sexual violence in conflict remains to be seen.

Source: The Inquirer
The United Nations Women(UNWomen) with support from the United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office has handover a vehicle for use by the Ministry of Gender and Development under the women Community Based Peacebuilding and Economic Empowerment project.

Source: Thomson Reuters Fondation
Even for community workers used to hearing horrific accounts of sexual violence in Liberia, the case of a two-year-old girl raped by a male acquaintance was devastating.

Source: Sci Dev Net
As climate change takes effect, the time taken to collect food and water will increase, and women and girls will bear the brunt of this, argues Janna Tenzing in a recent article on gender equality through a climate change lens. All aspects of poverty eradication have a gender dimension - climate change is no exception.

Source: The UN Refugee Agency
UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres on Tuesday told hundreds of aid workers in Geneva that the empowerment of women was vital to better resolve a multitude of problems facing the world, including multiple conflicts and gross human rights abuses.

Source: Radio Dabanga
Despite the progress in access to education in Sudan, more than 1.9 million school age children are still out of school. 53 percent of them are girls.

Source: The guardian
Giving women a second chance at literacy will increase their earning power and give their children a brighter future

Source: Ghana Web
Ms Amma Gyankomah Asirifi, Sunyani Municipal Health Promotion Officer at the weekend called for a comprehensive sex education programme in Senior High Schools to protect girls from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

Source: The Guardian
Access to sanitation has remained largely off corporate agendas, but high-profile companies are finally taking up the challenge

Source: Destiny Connect
With arguably one of the world's most progressive constitutions, SA women are infinitely more liberated than their African counterparts. But cultural practices like 'ukuthwala', and dire poverty mean women in some pockets of society are left exposed and vulnerable to being treated as commodities.

Source: Daily News Egypt
Several hundred demonstrators gathered outside the Cairo Opera House on Saturday evening to protest the ongoing phenomenon of sexual harassment and sexual assault on Egyptian streets.

Source: UN News Centre
Did you know violence and abuse against elderly women, the worlds fastest growing demographic group, range from sexual violence, property grabbing, financial abuse and increasingly, extreme violence against older women accused of witchcraft?

Source: Daily Herald
Madinah Nalukenge recalls the day she set out to sell food on the filthy edges of a bus terminal in the Ugandan capital in 2004. She had just $10 left over from a failed attempt to sell bed sheets.Now she runs a catering business that makes a monthly profit of up to $3,000, a source of pride for the 34-year-old single mother who spends her days offering plates of mashed plantain and greasy meats to transport operators in downtown Kampala.

Source: CNN
What factor has the power to transform individual lives, communities, nations and the world? The answer to this complex question is a simple one: education. While it is widely accepted that there is no one solution to lift the millions across our globe out of poverty, it is also equally accepted that a key cornerstone of addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges is through providing a quality education to all children, especially girls.

Source: The Guardian

Concern is mounting that British aid money may be funding police who are using rape as a tool of state-sanctioned torture against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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