Early struggles in developing a response to the HIV and AIDS pandemic were remembered by African women church leaders who gathered in Nairobi Kenya to celebrate more than 30 years of their Christian ministry in the churches of their region.

At a time when the Egyptian government has recognized the need to stop physical and sexual violence against women, human rights organizations have registered dozens of cases of physical abuse against women in Egyptian prisons pending trial for political issues.

Source: Awoko
It has come out clearly that the government of Sierra Leone has not yet ratified the Moputo Protocol in July 2003 along with 52 other African countries. This failure to domesticate the Protocol geared towards promoting the fight against all forms of discrimination against women in society and ensures the rights of women in sexual and reproductive health (SHR) are guaranteed, has drew the interest of women rights activists.

Source: The ManicaPost
THE MDC-T Women Assembly Manicaland executive members and representatives from the 26 constituencies in the province have resigned from the Morgan Tsvangirai camp and joined the Tendai Biti-led Renewal Team on the grounds of persistent violation of women's rights and bed-hopping behaviour of the party's leadership.

Source: New Vision
Ugandan men have been ranked as some of the leading wife beaters in Africa, according to a Scorecard compiled from reports made by different UN organs on domestic violence.

Source: allAfrica

What if there was there was a practice that, if ended, could improve the lives of millions of women and girls worldwide? Every year, 14 million girls are married before the age of 18 inmost cases without their consent and with severe consequences for their health. Child marriage not only holds women and girls back, it holds back our efforts to make the world a safer and healthier place for everyone.

Source: The Guardian

In 1990, the Italian World Cup was played to the sound of Luciano Pavarotti's Nessun Dorma. In that same year, 12.6 million under-fives died from largely preventable diseases, and 104 million children of primary school age were out of school.

Source: UN News Centre

To triumph over maternal mortality, initiatives must focus on adolescent girls, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today said, ones that allow them to go to school, marry whom they choose, shield them from harmful traditional practices and provide them with appropriate family planning services.

Source: Leadership                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Executive director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Dr Babatunde Osotimehin, has called on world leaders to step up immediate and decisive actions against violence on women and girls globally.

Source: Awoko                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Country Director and Senior Policy Adviser Ipas Sierra Leone, Valarie Tucker has called on the media to provide more space and develop more programs relating to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in order to intensify on the awareness campaign on SRHR for women in the country and to advocate on the improvement of health facilities and services.

Source: Media Club South Afica                                                                                                                                                                                                  Women's rights in South Africa have taken a massive leap forward with the launch of the Women's Empowerment Index by the International Women's Forum South Africa (IWFSA).

Source: GhanaWeb
Mrs. Latifa Siddique Abobo, Acting Upper West Regional Director of the Department of Children, has stated that Ghana deserves to be praised for many of its achievements in education.

SourceThe Independent
How quickly the outrage passes on from the front pages. A month or so ago much of the world seemed united in its condemnation of the kidnapping of more than 200 girls by Boko Haram, the Islamist sect, in Nigeria.

Source:Hamilton Spectator                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the time she ran away, Maimuna bore the scars of a short but brutal marriage. Her face swelled so much from her husband's beating that doctors feared he had dislocated her jaw. Her back and arms bristled with angry welts where her father had whipped her for fleeing to him. She was gaunt from hunger, dressed in filthy rags. And barely a year after her wedding, she was divorced.

Source: allAfrica

Have you ever wondered why male circumcision is not referred to as male genital mutilation while female circumcision is referred to as female genital mutilation yet both these practices are fairly similar?

Source: Mail & Guardian

Controlling fertility is an integral part of the human condition, specifically for women. This is because of the reproductive capacity particular to women's bodies. But interventions in fertility can frequently only happen after conception because of the gendered power imbalance between men and women, which undermines women's ability to influence the terms of sex.

Source: CNN
What factor has the power to transform individual lives, communities, nations and the world?

Source: Oxfamblogs
A gendered analysis of essential services highlights the scale of the inequality challenge but it also offers useful pointers for the design of more inclusive and effective social protection strategies. Social protection interventions need to acknowledge that gender inequality begins at birth and deepens during the life cycle of a woman. A gender analysis of poverty and vulnerability must be at the core of the construction of an inclusive and effective social protection strategy.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
We commend the UK, U.S. and others for playing a leadership role at the largest ever summit on ending sexual violence in conflict. This leadership helped focus global attention on an urgent issue.

Source: UN 
No woman should lose her status, livelihood or property when her husband dies, yet millions of widows in our world face persistent abuse, discrimination, disinheritance and destitution stressed United Nation Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today in his message for this year’s International Widows’ Day.

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