Source: UN Women
Date: 2 May 2011, 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Location: New York, USA 
Venue:  ECOSOC Chamber, North Lawn Building, United Nations Headquarters, New York

UN Women and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is hosting a panel Securing justice for women in post-conflict states on Monday, 2 May 2011, 10:00–13:00, at the United Nations Headquarters.

In 2011 the Security Council and the General Assembly will consider issues relating to rule of law and transitional justice. In order to complement the forthcoming inter-governmental processes, the panel will reflect on the role played by women in transitional justice processes, focusing on experiences in Latin America, Africa and Asia, from both the perspective of victims and advocates for lasting change.

Specifically the panel will examine:

  • The nature of conflict-related violations and violence experienced by women and its impact on their lives;
  • Women’s empowerment/participation in the peace process & post-conflict governance and the inclusion of a gender-sensitive agenda in transitional justice processes (i.e., prosecutions, SSR, truth-seeking, reparations, institutional reforms and national consultations);
  • Continuing challenges/obstacles women face in their search for truth, justice and reparations and how to strengthen the role of government and civil society, particularly enhancing knowledge of the legal and policy framework to effectively engage the TJ process;
  • Recommendations for reforms to the transitional justice agenda and mechanisms with a view to ensuring full and equal access to justice for women – including in the types of violations redressed, mandates, composition, and nature of the processes themselves.


  • Lakshmi Puri, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women
  • Ivan Šimonović, Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights


  • Ms. Yasmin Sooka, Former Commissioner, South African TRC and Sierra Leone TRC; Member of UN Panel of Experts on Sri Lanka
  • Ms. Betty Murungi, Vice-Chair, ICC Trust Fund for Victims; Former Vice-Chair, Kenya TRC
  • Mr. Barney Afako, Former Legal Advisor to the Juba Peace Talks Legal Advisor to the African Union High Level Implementation Panel on Sudan
  • Ms. Dallas Mazoori, Former Member Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission’s Transitional Justice Unit
  • Ms. Vasuki Nesiah, Legal Scholar at NYU, human rights, humanitarian work and transitional justice
  • Ms. Diana Avila Paulette, Human Rights Consultant, Peru and violence against women in conflicts in Latin America
  • Ms. Lorena Balardini, Researcher at University of Buenos Aires, co-author of “Gender and Sexual Violence in the Clandestine Detentions Centers — A Contribution to the Understanding of the Argentine Experience.”

Grounds Pass

If you do not have a UN ground pass, please contact Mark Hintzen, OHCHR, at hintzen[at] to request a temporary pass.

Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Developmenr (UNCTAD)
Date: 11 May 2011
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Venue: Conference Room Topkapi A , Lutfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre
The Special Event will provide an opportunity to show case the positive role that trade may play towards the economic empowerment of women in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), as well as the many challenges women face, through the presentation of country case studies conduced by UNCTAD and UN Women in a number of LDCs.

More specifically, UNCTAD will present the main findings of a country-case study on Who is benefitting from trade liberalization in Bhutan? A gender perspective, and share policy recommendations on how to make trade policy more responsive to the specific challenges faced by women.

UN Women will present the main findings of its studies on Women Informal Cross Border Traders conducted in Africa and share policy recommendations on how to put in place policies and measures that can support cross-border trade and minimize existing obstacles for women involved in it.

The presentations will be followed by an interactive debate.


* Ministers of Trade and/or Ministers of Gender of several LDCs

* Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director, UN Women

* Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General, UNCTAD

Co-organized with:     United Nations Women 
Language(s):     English, French
Contact:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Related sites:     Trade, Gender and Development

Who is benefiting from trade liberalization in Bhutan?
A gender perspective (UNCTAD/OSG/2011/1) , 19/04/11 , 68page(s) , 6796Kb

Date: 11-15 April,
Location: New York, USA

Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The 44th session of the Commission on Population and Development will discuss the theme of "Fertility, reproductive health and development" from 11-15 April 2011 in New York.


Fertility, reproductive health and development

Bureau members

Chairperson: Ambassador Brian Bowler (Malawi), Vice-Chairpersons: Mr. Christophe de Bassompierre (Belgium), Mr. Attila Zimonyi (Hungary), Mr. Easton Williams (Jamaica) and Mr. Suljuk Mustansar Tarar (Pakistan)

Keynote speakers and addresses

Official documentation and introductory statements

Click here, for more information

SOURCE: PeaceWomen
Date: May 14, 2011, 10.00AM
Location: New York

One out of every three women worldwide is a victim of violence in her lifetime. On May 14, the Metro New York Chapter of UN Women is walking to end violence against women. The money we raise from this event goes to the UN Trust Fund to end violence against women, which has distributed more than $60 million to 317 initiatives in 124 countries since 1997. Our goal is to raise $10,000. Register today.

Join Us to Make a Difference Now.

Through the UN Trust Fund to end violence against women, UN Women has distributed more than $60 million to 317 initiatives in 124 countries since 1997. The UN Trust Fund project supports the implementation of national laws, policies and action plans that address ending violence against women and girls. For instance, in Cambodia, the Fund supports a women's organization that created a radio program to inform their listeners of laws and services to protect women from violence. Prior to the broadcast, two thirds of their listeners did not know that marital rape was a crime; in Albania, the Fund support national and regional coalitions that combat trafficking of women and girls; in Chile, Rwanda and India, the Fund projects are engaging men to find solutions and to end gender-based violence. One hundred thirty countries now have laws against domestic violence. Only 45 countries did only 8 years ago.

Get your walking shoes on, and let's count you in.

Date: Saturday May 14th

Where: Walk starts at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal in Manhattan and we will be walking 3 miles north along the beautiful Battery Park walkway along the water and ending at Highline.

Check-in: 10 am. Walk will start promptly at 10:30 am.

Register today: $20 members. $25 non-members. $15 for students. Children under 12 free. All adults will receive a UN Women baseball cap.

Register at:

Help Us Raise Money: After you have registered to walk, go to FirstGiving to join our team, or set up your own page to raise money on our behalf.

Donation: If you can't walk with us, please support our efforts by donating any size amount.

To Pay by Check: Make checks payable to UNIFEM NYC Committee and mail to:

Carla Brown c/o Walburg Center, Inc. 163 West 125th Street, Rm. 1320, NY, NY 10027

For more information on this event, please click here. For walks in other cities, please click here.


Event Details
Lwanzo Amani, Analyst, World Bank

Kate Burns, Senior Policy Officer for Gender Equality, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance

Amy Costello, Emmy‐nominated Television and Radio Journalist

Jocelyn Kelly, Women in War Research Coordinator, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

Moderated by: Carol Cohn, Director, Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights

April 13th 4-6 pm
Kresge Building G-1
Harvard School of Public Health
677 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Contact Beth Maclin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Presented by Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

This section provides details about current events that are being held worldwide.  The events advertized are not limited to international organizations, but local NGOs and everything in between.  The topics usually deal with cross-cutting issues, and range from Women, Peace and Security; Political Participation, Economic Empowerment, Violence Against Women to HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Rights.

Please hit the date button in the orange banner to list the most current events. The country listed in the title, is where the event is taking place.

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