Whether you are part of an established organizaion or associaion, an aspiring poliician,an individual with a project idea or someone struggling to balance too many roles and responsibiliies in your life, this guide is designed to provide you with the basic tools necessary to start taking acion in your community on the issues that mater most to you.

It’s a guide for young women leaders, writen by young women leaders.Focusing on building confidence, enhancing capacity and making connecions, this guide will help you assess where you are, idenify where you want to be, and help you create your personal roadmap to develop your leadership potenial.
Some aspects of civic and poliical engagement may seem dauning, but that’s what this guide is for—to walk you through the basic components of leadership, project planning, networking and other skills you’ll need along the way.
The ideas and strategies offered in this guide were developed from the advice and experiences of 25 young women acivists from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia who were a part of the “Youth of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow” iniiaive, a year-long
program focused on community engagement, networking and peer mentoring. Their ideas are combined with best pracices and recommendaions from NDI’s work with women leaders around the world.

Click here to access the handbook.  



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