Our resources section is where we make available useful resources such as studies, reports from the United Nations, Civil Society, NGOs, Governments, Academic Institutions and other sources related to women and specially women in Africa and other important documents such as copies of the Maputo Protocol and UNSCR 1325.
We have been able to gather together important and useful information while at the same time fostering information sharing among other organizations working for women’s rights.
It ranges from Women, Peace and Security; Political Participation; Economic Empowerment, Violence Against Women to HIV/AIDS & Reproductive and so on.
Source: AWID Author: Gender at Work This publication offers a vision of how creating learning environments that enable participants to experience themselves and their relationships with each other can result in great social justice.
Source: World AIDS Campaign This report has been prepared by the UNAIDS Program Coordinating Board’s NGO Delegation, on a meeting that was held in October titled “Common Ground”.
Source: Gender and Development Network This booklet entitled 'Violence Against Women and Girls: Your Questions, Our Answers', published by GADN as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence' (25th Nov - 10th Dec),
Source: PEW Global Fifteen years after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women’s Beijing Platform for Action proclaimed that “shared power and responsibility should be established between women and men at home, in the workplace and in the wider national and international communities,” people around the globe embrace the document’s key principles.
Source: Amnesty International Women’s organizations in Swaziland are battling to reform laws that treat women as second-class citizens. The government has failed to change these laws, despite repeatedly promising to do so.
Source:Women Living Under Muslim Laws (WLUML) Author: Ziba Mir-Hosseini Control and Sexuality by Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Vanja Hamzić examines zina laws in some Muslim contexts and communities in order to explore connections between the criminalisation of sexuality, gender-based violence and women’s rights activism.
Source: Development For International Development (DFID) Millions of women still do not have access to good quality contraceptives, or have no control over the circumstances in which they become pregnant.
Source: German Foundation for World Population (DSW) The Guide to European Population Assistance Funding is the only current, comprehensive and easy-to-use source of information on European funding for these programmes and services in developing countries.