Source: European Peacebuilding Liaison Office
From 3 to 7 October 2011, the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) organised an online dialogue on “Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Europe and Beyond: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward”. The dialogue was held on the PeacePortal, with over 20 civil society representatives and individuals registered to participate from Liberia, Fiji Islands, South Africa, Croatia, UK, Italy, Nepal, Belgium, Canada, Georgia and the Netherlands.
The dialogue was structured around 5 major topics, each with a few guiding questions: (1) Strategies and Policies; (2) Implementation, Impact and National Action Plans (NAPs); (3) Monitoring and Evaluation; (4) Advocacy; (5) Challenges and Ways Forward1. Participants were encouraged to contribute to the discussion by posting at least two comments per day. In addition, some participants were involved in the dialogue as resource persons, providing initial impetus to the discussion, and keeping the flow of the debate together with two moderators.
The specific challenges identified by participants cut across the five major topics initially provided for discussion. For practical reasons, this outcome document does not follow the structure of the initial five topics but rather offers a summary of eight key challenges identified by participants, as well as related recommendations. Recommendations to various actors involved in SCR 1325 implementation are provided for each of the eight challenges. An additional set of
recommendations that relate specifically to the work of civil society organisations is provided at the end of the document.
The online dialogue aimed to provide a virtual space for civil society organisations (CSOs) to share their views and experiences, evaluate progress on different strategies to implement SCR 1325, exchange lessons learned and identify ways forward towards a full and effective implementation of the Resolution. While this outcome document cannot be an exhaustive summary of all the discussions, we hope it provides a comprehensive overview of challenges and
opportunities to implement SCR 1325, 11 years after its adoption by the UN Security Council.
To read the full document, please click here